Chapter 12

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Nokiya and Akiya entered their inn room several hours later finding Kira passed out on the floor, leaned against the bed. They rolled their eyes and climbed into the bed regardless of the sleeping vampire but attempted to avoid disturbing her. They seemed successful, as Kira did not move an inch as they got comfortable and fell asleep themselves.

When the morning sun began peeking through the window, Akiya rolled away from her sister to see if Kira was still asleep where she was. She was a little worried to find that the vampire had gotten up and left, and didn't know if she should mount a search for the vampire or not.

Don't worry about me. I'm downstairs with Artemis. Kira's voice whispered in Akiya's mind, getting her to flinch and look around the room curiously.

You can just talk inside my brain like Noki does? Akiya asked in her own mind, wondering if her sister could also hear.

I can. It's part of being a vampire, and yes, Nokiya can hear your thoughts, so best use your inside voices. Kira answered with a slight amusement attached to her mental voice, getting Akiya to roll her eyes.

Good to know you're well rested enough for sarcasm. Akiya sighed.

I am indeed. Kira answered. I'm talking with Artemis about what our plan might be to get out of this town.

Do you still have you're hood up?

Actually I'm trying to keep my eyes from glowing with magic so I don't stand out so much. Kira explained. I wouldn't worry too much. I can handle myself if push comes to shove.

Just stay safe Fangs. You wouldn't want to end our journey on the second day would you?

Kira went silent after a short chuckle, allowing Akiya to roll back over and face her sister. Her eyes were still closed, and her breathing was slow. But she had a slight smile on her lips.

"You're not asleep are you?" Akiya questioned.

"Not when my dream had a very out of place voice speaking over it." Nokiya answered, opening her eyes.


"Don't appologize. We share thoughts, so we can't help but cause a few problems for each other now and again." Nokiya smiled. "It's something I'm already used to."

"I guess we tortured each other a lot when we were younger." Akiya's smile was guilty, almost broken.

"Even after you left, Kira still helped me keep my thoughts busy." Nokiya shrugged. "She used to prefer talking to me with her thoughts so that mine felt like there was still someone attached to them."

"You missed being woken up by me having a mental conversation?"

"Well, to be honest that happened only rarely. The only vampires we were friends with, even back then was Kira and Aviri. So we never really woke ourselves up."

"I guess that's a good thing then." Akiya smiled softly. "We should get up and meet them downstairs."

"Mari is probably up by now torturing Jurgen."

"I wish I could see that."


"Was that Kira?" Akiya questioned. "Did she just tell us her last name?"

Nokiya blinked curiously before her eyes widened and she bolted out of bed and sprited down the stairs. Artemis was passed out at the booth with her drink right in front of her, and Kira was no where to be found. A few of the patrons were trying to shake the Sword of Power awake, but she was out cold.

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