Chapter 10

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The group followed the path all day with the majority of conversations being taunting and teasing between all of them. At one point Mari hopped off Artemis and was walking ahead of everyone, which made Nokiya a bit nervous but otherwise they just allowed her to lead them.

"Do we really have to walk the whole way?" Mari questioned. "Why don't we just fly?"

"Akiya doesn't have many memories of Exodious, so I figured it would be a good idea to have her see it without rushing over it." Nokiya answered.

"Plus, honor rules." Jurgen noted. "Most Dragons chose not to fly into battle unless there's a great rush. It's basically like saying if you fly, you're a coward."

"And we don't want any of Olexious' soldiers realizing where we're headed." Kira finished. "The less attention we draw to ourselves, the better off we'll be."

"You think they're looking for flying dudes?" Akiya asked.

"They probably have scouts watching the skies. Itzal's tomb is sealed in a way to prevent anyone but Alvar blood from opening it. They could be waiting for us to go there so they could steal the Sword from us." Kira explained with a shrug.

"So you're saying they're probably expecting us? Great. What could possibly go wrong?" Akiya rolled her eyes.

"Well, when you put it like that it sounds like you're worried we're going to get our tails kicked by a couple of dragons." Jurgen scoffed.

"Hey, not all of us have tails." Akiya chuckled, pointing to Kira who smirked.

"Yes we do." Nokiya rolled her eyes.

Akiya paused, glancing at the vampire who just answered her with a smile before Akiya turned back to the path before them.

"It's getting dark, but there should be a campsite up ahead. We should stop and rest for the night." Nokiya called.

"Don't trust me to lead you through the dark?" Kira smirked over her shoulder.

"We've been walking for several hours, and have a kid with us who needs rest." Nokiya rolled her eyes.

Akiya glanced over to check if Mari was still leading the group, only to find that Artemis was carrying her in her arms, as the child had since fallen asleep.

"Fair enough." Akiya nodded. The group made their way off the path and into what looked like a small rest stop with what was a little circle of stones for a campfire. Jurgen went to work setting up a small fireplace before breathing a small gust of flame into the kindling and lighting it.

Kira sat several feet away on a log while the dragons gathered around the small fire. Artemis laid against that log with Mari in her lap as the Sword of Power closed her own eyes, seeming to drift off into either sleep, or some form of meditation.

Akiya knelt in front of the flames and held her hands out towards them. "So, are we fireproof?"

"For the most part." Jurgen nodded. "Our clothes aren't, and certain flames can still hurt us."

"Certain flames?"

"Dragon fire carries a magic that burns our scales depending on the type of dragon." Nokiya explained. "And certain magic flames can also hurt us."

"You make that sound really vague." Akiya answered.

"The Gods are gone." Jurgen scoffed. "The only things that can hurt us are another dragon's flames."

"You don't know that for sure." Nokiya answered. "The Gods were ancient, they would have plan B's in place."

"How do you know that for sure?" Jurgen noted.

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