Chapter 8

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Akiya watched Nokiya pace about the bedroom for a good ten minutes before they finally left and headed towards the back garden where they knew their mother was waiting to greet Kira. Akiya didn't need to read her sister's mind to know how nervous she was about meeting her ex for the first time in a while.

"Do you really think it's going to be weird?" Akiya questioned.

"No. Honestly I'm sure it's going to be completely fine. The Kira I know is broody, not whiny or obnoxious." Nokiya explained, making their way towards the back of the castle. "She'll probably be a little nervous but she won't make a big deal out of it."

"Good morning ladies!" Chandra smiled as they entered the garden. There were billions of flowers and the area itself smelled like pure bliss. There was an array of colors and shapes in the flower beds around them, and the gravel path they were walking on was lined with the bushes. It was honestly the most beautiful thing that Akiya had ever seen.

She really couldn't stop admiring everything, completely ignoring the fact her mother was speaking to her. Though, it wasn't like it really mattered, she could just recall everything she said through her sister who was paying attention in her stead... right?

"She's not paying attention mother. She's too busy looking at the flowers." Nokiya explained.

Akiya blinked, looking back at her mother who was smiling down at her softly. "S-Sorry. I was just... right..."

"I was just saying that Kira was waiting for the two of you to join her." Chandra repeated, motioning over towards the top of a fountain that could be seen overtop a hedge wall. Nokiya chuckled, grabbing Akiya's arm and leading her down the path as Chandra rolled her eyes watching the two of them go.

They followed the path around the hedges to where they could see the fountain. Sure enough a familiar looking woman was laying on the edge of the fountain with one leg hanging off as she was apparently taking a nap.

The twins walked up with Nokiya wearing a soft smile and a very slight, totally not obvious blush. The vampire was wearing clothes from the human world, with black baggy jeans, combat boots, and a black and pink jean jacket. It had a pink vest, with black sleeves. Her hair was cut short, barely passing chin length. Her hands were folded over her chest, but she clearly wasn't breathing. Not a sound came from her form.

"Were you waiting long Kira?" Nokiya called.

One eye opened, and her unnatural, and certainly unnerving silver eye examined the twins for a few seconds before she sat up and faced them, crossing her legs as she smiled softly. "Not very. I'm just tired from the journey."

"You came a long way." The elder twin smiled. "I hope you really know how grateful we are that you did."

"I found information that I was sure you could use." Kira answered, standing up. She then glanced at Akiya who answered her with a nervous smile. "Do you know who Itzal is?"

Akiya blinked, the memory there but evading her mind. "It's familiar but I can't place it."

"Itzal was a legendary warrior and previous Lord of Monster and Demons before he was killed, and father took his place." Nokiya explained. "He was rumored to be able to control time."

"Control time?" Akiya raised an eyebrow. "That sounds like cheating."

"It was just a rumor." Nokiya smiled.

"It wasn't." Kira corrected, getting the twins to look at her curiously. "Turns out, he actually wielded a Sword of Power that had the ability to control time. Allowing him to win every fight. When he was killed, the Sword was placed in his temple to protect it. And so it could be found and used when it was next needed."

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