Chapter 6

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Akiya raised her sword quickly, allowing Nokiya's to slam against her's. She braced herself for the blow, taking the advice of those around her and assuming that Nokiya's strike would be much stronger than the other dragon's she's been fighting.

She was right, but it wasn't as strong as she expected. The sword clashed against her own, hard. Enough to cause her to stumble back, but she knew she could block the next blow.

Their swords clashed together, with both taking steps forward and back while the blades slammed against each other hard enough to create sparks on impact. Akiya wondered for a moment if that meant they would break from the force, but she assumed that they wouldn't give her a sword if it couldn't withstand what she assumed was their base strength.

Nokiya tried to swipe at Akiya's leg, but in what seemed like a reflex, Akiya kicked forward before the sword could reach her foot, slamming into her sister's chest and pushing her back.

Nokiya blinked, one hand over her chest plate as she looked at her sister curiously. "You were paying attention to the sword? Your eyes were locked on me." The older twin explained.

"You can only swing that sword so far." Akiya answered. "Even if I can't see it, I know where it is."

Nokiya raised an eyebrow before readying herself again.

How much do you remember about wielding me? Dragoon asked.

"I don't remember anything. But I have a feeling I know a few of your party tricks." Akiya confessed. The sword hummed in understanding, a smirk crossing Akiya's face.

She stepped forward and swung the sword in front of herself, well out of reach of Nokiya herself. But that didn't matter, because the sword broke into segments held together by a bright red wire inside the blade, and lashed out like a whip. Nokiya wasn't able to block the surprise whip, and instead back flipped, watching the blade nearly take off her nose. When she landed, Akiya spun around, lashing the whip out again.

This time Nokiya raised her sword catching the end of the whip which almost instantly wrapped around her blade. She had intended to pull her back within melee distance, but instead her sister beat her to the punch, yanking her sister back towards her with their swords still together.

Nokiya didn't expect her sister's reflexes to be so quick. She knew that her sister would have access to her own muscle memory, but the fact that she was actually using it like it was second nature caught her off guard.

Nokiya pushed forwards, bracing her shoulder against Akiya's as her sister pushed forward herself to shoulder her. Their shoulders slammed together, but they just grunted at each other. Nokiya now realized her sister was quick, and would be doing the things she expected to do. So she had to react first. She had to be faster.

The next second after the impact Nokiya raised her fist and swung trying to hit her sister in the jaw. Instead, Akiya swung her sword, now mostly collapsed back to a normal sword other than the end which was still wrapped around her own, pulling Nokiya's sword to the side nearly pulling her over in that direction. She arced the blades, pulling the older sibling over enough to have her punch barely miss the side of Akiya's head, only to have Akiya herself sweep out Nokiya's legs with her foot.

Nokiya landed hard on her back but rolled towards her head to miss the stomp that came next. She yanked her sword hard finally pulling it free from Dragoon's whip. The red sword completely returned into a normal sword as Akiya readied herself.

She wasn't using her own muscle memory. She was using her own fighting techniques. She wasn't defaulting to what Nokiya would do, she was doing what she wanted to.

Dragon Realm (Lesbian Story, Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now