Chapter 5

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Akiya stepped into the huge arena with Nokiya beside her. Her sister could only smirk at the amazed expression on her face.

The arena was in the center of the room, but lowered a good ten feet down. The arena itself was surrounded by benches like a colosseum. The arena itself was lined with sand and had benches every ten feet or so like people could tap in and out in the middle of a fight.

She led Akiya down the steps and across the sand covered floor of the arena itself before leading her into a room against the far wall. It was clearly an armory with weapons lining one wall and armor lining the other.

There was a large mount in the center of the room with three displays encased in glass. One was a bow that looked like it was crafted from a treebranch, complete with moss still covering the bow itself. It had metal rings on the limbs of the weapon, and a silver bowstring. Another was a scimitar with a blue blade and a green hilt. There were wave-like engravings on the blade, but they seemed more like air than water even though the blade was blue. The last display was a heavy looking mace with a red head and gold hilt. A leather strap was folded under the weapon with a small gold chain connected to it.

Nokiya brought her over to the two swords, mounted against the far wall at the back of the armory. One had a golden hilt, that looked like two serpents coiled around each other before separating and baring their fangs. The blade was almost black, with a deep crimson color swirling on the blade like a crystal ball. There seemed to be that same red substance dripping off the blade, but the substance vanished before reaching the floor.

The other sword had the same decorations, but a silver hilt and a white blade, dripping with a blue liquid instead.

"What are they?" Akiya asked.

"These are Dragoon and Draconian. The Swords of Destruction and Creation. Dragoon is made from Blood Metal, and Draconian is made of Sky Metal. They're rare substances that can only be crafted on opposite ends of Exodious, and the knowledge to craft them is a rare trait. Blood Metal can only be forged in Juno's Volcano, and Sky Metal can only be forged in the Realm of Ghosts." Nokiya explained.

"Why are they here?"

"Rose gave them to us. She wanted you and I to wield them." She explained. "But they're Swords of Power."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that they're alive. They have souls."

"What? Can they talk?"

"They can do a lot more than talk." Nokiya smiled. "They're supposed to help us fight, and control our own powers. We're the Lords of Order and Chaos."

"A dragon mentioned that while trying to kill me. What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you and I are supposed to have some abilities over reality itself. We can't make huge changes, but we can tilt the scales in our favor if we want. You can't will someone out of existance, but you can change how their life ends, so to speak." Nokiya explained. "Rose said that the Swords should be able to help us control that power."

"Have you talked to them yet?" Akiya asked, looking towards the Swords nervously.

"A little." Nokiya shrugged. "Father wanted me to wait until you returned, but I just wanted to ask them questions."

"What did you ask?"

"I asked them where they came from."

"What did they say?"

"Apparently, they're like us. Two halves of the same being. But they were split in two, then sealed inside the Swords. But honestly, I don't really believe them. It sounded more like they were telling me what I wanted to hear."

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