Bullied (2/2)

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After a night of talking about not only our deepest, darkest secrets, but about our lives and what happened to Reid when I was gone. I offered to help and now we are currently walking into a prison because Reid has been suspected of murder with more information but against him than for him. His currently lawyer is shit, so Luke asked me to step in.

After a series of buzzing, I am finally in the same room as Reid. His eyes dilate as his eyes set on me. "Y/N?" He says with disbelief. He elongates his stride and wraps his arms around me. He buries his face in my hair as I rest my face on his chest. It seem like he is barely eating in here, I can practically feel his stomach growling and his rib cage against my cheek.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll get you out of here, I promise." I say, tears pricking my eyes with shame. "Okay, that's enough." The prison guard says and Reid and I pull away hesitantly. "Tell me everything that you remember," I say to Reid as I sit down in front of him.


I approach Luke's apartment after I got a text from saying that he needed to tell me something. I knock on the door and heard no response. "Luke?" Nothing. I knock on the door again and this time, the door opened on its own. The entire apartment was pitch black and I take my gun out of its holster. As soon as I step into the apartment, the light turn on and reveals the entire BAU team including Reid.

"Surprise!" They all scream and I drop my gun onto the floor as I clutch my chest with fear. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did we scare you?" Prentiss asks as she looks to the gun that I dropped. "Yes you guys scared the crap out of me! I thought something bad happened to Luke." I say, running my fingers through my hair. "We just wanted to say thank you for saving Reid from years of torment in that dreaded place." JJ states.

"Exactly," Reid says as he approaches me with his arms wide for a hug. I pull him in for a hug and he says, "Thank you, for everything." "Anything for a friend," I say as I pull away from him. "Did you really think that one thing happened to me?" Luke asks as he approaches me. "Yes, I thought the worst," "Awe, you still care about me," Luke teases.

"Ha, ha, ha, very funny." I say sarcastically. He wraps his arms around me and I rest my chin on his shoulder. My heart jumps when I make eye contact with Penelope. I pull away from him gently and he follows my gaze to Penelope. He clenches his jaw with anger and laces his hand with mine. He stomps over to Penelope and says, "I know what you did. And I will never forgive you for that,"

"Luke, I-" "Whatever friendship that we had is over. Done." He says before pushing passed her, leaving her in tears. "Are you okay?" Luke asks me. "Yeah, I'm fine." He pushes a strand of my hair from my face and says, "you should have told me what happened, Y/N." "I know, okay. I was just ashamed of-"

"I'm not ashamed of you because of what happened in the Bronx. You did what you had to." I look down at me hands and such deeply. He lifts my head up with his thumb and met my gaze. He pecks my lips softly before saying, "There's nothing that you can say to make me fall out of love with you. I will love you all the same."

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