Drastic Measures [2/2]

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I was in the middle of during a post op of surgery for one of my patients when Jordan steps in to say, "Doctor Y/L/N, can I talk with you outside please?" I comply and once I close the door, she sighs deeply before saying, "He's gone, Y/N. I'm sorry." "How long?" Was I could managed to squeal out. "Hm?"

"How long ago was he declared dead?" I repeat. "Ten minutes," "Where is he?" "Y/N, please don't do this to yourself." "Where is he, Jordan?" "OR three," I rush passed her and up the stairs into OR three. "Y/N, I am so-" "I'm scrubbing in, I'm going to try something." I interrupt.

I walk into the scrubbing station to put on my head cap and body cover, I wash my hands for barely a minute and a nurse puts on my gloves for me. I walk over to Drew and notice that his face starting to lose its color. I try my best to not let my emotions take the best of me and slightly release the pressure of the broken ribs off of his lungs.

I ask for lap pad to put between the lungs and the ribs. I did the same for other ribs outright pressure on the lungs. I then chip off as pieces of his ribs as I could from above his lungs and his heart because he needs as much of it as he can.

"Defibrillators," I say. "Y/N," Scott starts. "Scott, I will not be able to forgive myself if I didn't try everything I could to save him, if you could revive a girl after she was dead for an hour, then I could revive my boyfriend after he was dead for ten minutes." I say. "Now hand me the damn defibrillators," I add. He gives it to me and I say, "charge to three fifty," "Clear," I say before shocking his heart. "No response," Scott says. "Charge to four hundred," "Clear," "Still nothing," "Third times the charm," I say under my breath. "Change to four fifty," "Clear,"

Beep. Beep. Beep. A shaky breath leaves my lips and I look down at Drew to see his eyes still closed. I gently set down the defibrillators and take out the lap pads. "C-can you close him u-up please?" I stutter as I take off my mask, body cover and gloves. I rush out of that OR and go into the stairwell. I find a corner to sit in and pull my knees into my chest. I bury my face into my lap as I cry loudly. My silent cries echo in the stairwell, but I didn't care. I almost lost the one thing I care about the most and I didn't know how to cope.


"Drew said you would be in here," Scott says as he sits next to me in the stairwell. I hug my knees closer to me and didn't say anything. "And he said that you would be quiet," he says with a sigh. "Look, he says that he's sorry for scaring you. And he said thank you for saving his life. And he just wants to talk to you, Y/N." He adds. "Well I don't want to talk to him. I don't want to talk to anyone right now. I just want to be left alone." I croak.

"Okay, well do you want me to stay here for company? We don't have to talk." He says. "You would do that?" I ask, "Of course, what you did in there was amazing . I didn't know you were a surgeon." He says. "I'm not, I just did what came to mind. I don't know what I would have done if it didn't work." I say, tears falling down my cheeks.

"What you did saved his life. And I'm sorry I gave up on him so soon." He says. I hold onto his hand and he laces his fingers with mine. I rest my head on his shoulder and continue to cry.


I finally worked up the courage to go to Drew's room and talk to him. She approaches to see Jordan, TC and Topher in the room. They were laughing and having a good time, but once they see me, they all stop laughing. "Don't let me stop you. I'll come back later." I say before turning away.

"Don't you dare," Drew says. "Guys, can you give us the room please?" Drew adds. "Sure," They all say agreement. I close the door behind them and sigh deeply. The room was silent for a moment and I look up to see Drew staring to me. His eyes are open and he is breathing normally. He is alive and not dead.

"I'm sorry. I am so sorry for everything that I put you through." he finally says, breaking the silence, "you just had to run into that damn building." I say as I comb my fingers through my hair.

"You saved my life, Y/N. When Scott couldn't, you stepped in and you brought me back to life after my heart stopped-" "exactly, Drew! Your heart stopped, you were dead! You were going to leave me alone when you promised that you wouldn't." I snap. "I hate you," I whimper. "No you don't," He says.

"I do. I hate you for making me fall in love with you and nearly dying in my arms." I state. He looks into my eyes deeply and holds up his hand for me to interlace my fingers with his. "Come here," He states. I slowly approach him and lace his fingers with his. He presses a kiss on the back of my hand.

"I love you so much," He says. He groans in pain as he scoots over for me to lay next to him. "No, Drew, you just came out of surgery and you broke your tibia." I say. "You make my pain subside. You're the reason why I'm feeling pain and not on a slab somewhere." He says me whimper.

"Too soon?" He asks. I nod and he presses his forehead against mine. "I'm sorry. Stay with me, please." He says. I come around and lay on the bed next to him. I move around until I am comfortable. I look up to Drew and lace my hand with his before I rest my chin on his shoulder. He presses many lingers kisses on my forehead.

(Third Person's POV)
"Now that's a ride or die couple right there," Topher says.

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