"You're Welcome, Now Get Out" [2/2]

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"Because, I.. I cared about what you thought of me."

"What? Reid I know you. I know that it was impossible for you to take an innocent life. You put the killers away, you're not a killer yourself. And the fact that you think that I would doubt that, is crazy, Reid."

"I know, I'm sorry. I just.. I'm sorry." "I'm leaving Reid," "Y-you are? But you're not cleared for travel yet are you?" "Well once I am, I'm leaving." "Why?" I look deeply into his eyes and he presses his lips together. "You know why," "I'm going to start packing now, so if you wouldn't mind. " I say, motioning to the door. "What if I can change your mind?" "There's no way you can-" "I love you,"

My heart flutters as he said the most important three words. But I knew that it was all some ruse to get me to stay. "Get out." "Wait, Y/N." "Get out, Reid. If me not wanting to see you, shutting you out or leaving is the only way to get you to say that you love me, then I don't want it."

"I do love you, Y/N. I really do. And my timing is terrible, I know, but please don't leave." "Lies. Everything that you are saying are lies, Reid. Just focus on getting your life together and keeping an eye on your mom." I say, walking towards the kitchen.

"Don't you get it, Y/N!" he adds, making me jump. I feel his hand on my shoulder as he turns me around. My back lands on the counter and he states, "You are a part of my life," "I wasn't apart of it when you were in prison." "Because I cared too much about what you thought of me. And I knew that if I saw you, I didn't want you to leave me. I craved you the entire time I was in there, and I know that you craved me too."

He caresses my cheek with the back of his hand. I lean into his touch and we both sigh deeply. "Please don't leave," "I already sent in my letter of resignation to my landlord." "Then you can come and live with me." "Absolutely not, I will become a burden to you." "Who ever said that you were a burden?" He closes the gap between us and just as he leaned in to kiss me, his phone rings.

He kissed my temple tenderly before answering his phone. He pulls away from me and I immediately crave his heat. "Alright, I'll be there in ten." he hangs up the phone and turns towards me. Before he could even say anything I say, "I know. It's okay." "We'll pick this up later," he says before leaving my apartment.


So Reid finally managed to convince me to stay in Quantico and move in with him. But whenever we have some time alone with one another, something always comes us. And it's frustrating us both. On top of that, I am still not cleared to go back to the BAU, which means that I am laying around watching TV and stuffing my face all day. I can't even work out without risking my health. This really sucks.

Nightfall soon came and I could hear Reid rustle with his keys as he tries to open the door. When he does so, he sighs and sets his messenger bag on the table. He makes his way over to me without saying a word. "Reid, is everything-" he cups my cheeks and plants a firm kiss on my lips.

My hands find his wrists and I hum into the kiss. My eyes flutter closed as he continued to kiss me. And when he pulls away, I am dazed and craving more. But I knew from his abrupt actions that there was something wrong. "Bad case?" He nods and I open my arms for him to lay on my chest. He wraps his arms around my waist and nestles himself into my stomach. I softly run my fingers through his hair and his muscles relax under my touch. We spent the rest of the night in silence as we hold each other.

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