Never Went Away [3/4]

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(Cue Music- Skip to 3:40)
"I tried talking to her but didn't acknowledge me at all. She's determined to jump. What should I do?" She adds. "Just stay there and try to stall her as much as she can. We're on our way." Spencer says. Olivia places a hand on her chest as she tries to contain her sobs. "I shouldn't have left her alone," She croaks.

"This was not your fault, O." Asher says. "No, it's not. It's mine." Jordan speaks. "Jordan," Spencer says. "We have to go now and try to talk her down from that ledge." Jordan interrupts before sprinting to his car.

Meanwhile with Y/N, she looks down at the violent waters beneath her. The frigid cold mist kissed her cheeks as she peered down. She's been staring down at the water for a while because in her mind, she was debating water to jump. But deep in her heart, she knew it was for the best.

She questioned whether jumping off of a bridge was the way to go. Which was the least painful way to go, she thought. Well, she's already here; she might as well follow through. She turns around and closes her eyes as she spreads her arms along her sides. And just as she was leaning back to fall into the water, she heard Jordan's voice say, "Don't jump." Her eyes snapped open and stumbles forward as she held onto the metal bar in front of her.

She scans the sight in front of her, everyone came to see her. Jordan, Spencer, Asher, Olivia, Leila, Jordan's parents and Spencer's mom. "Y/N, please don't jump." Spencer says. "You got my video?" She asks. "Yes," Asher says. "Then I have nothing left to say," She says turning around. "Y/N, please! Don't let my ignorance dictate what you do. I'm stupid for making you feel like you don't matter, but you do matter. We all care about you-" She shakes her head and turn away from them.

"We're sorry for taking you for granted." Asher starts. "We just.. you are such a positive and happy person, Y/N. You're were always so nice to everyone and you were always there when we needed you. We were used to having you there that we didn't even consider what you might be going through. I'm sorry that we weren't there for you when you had always been there for us. Let us prove that you matter, Y/N. Please don't jump.."

"Mom is calling for me to come home." She whimpers. "And we're calling you to stay." Spencer says. "I've said my goodbyes. Accept it." "We can't." Spencer says. "I'm sorry," she says as she spins around and lets go of the metal bar. "No!"

Everyone went black for Y/N for only a few seconds. She thought that she was falling but soon realized that she wasn't moving at all. She felt a warm body against hers and she slowly opens her eyes to see Jordan's tearful eyes. Jordan was on the other side of the metal bar as he still carries Y/N in his arms.

He lifts her into his chest and she subconsciously wraps her arms around his neck. "Let me go, Jordan." She whispers. "I can't," He whimpers. "Why did you save me? Why can't you just let me fall?" "Because I don't know what to do with myself if I lost you..." Jordan and Y/N gazed into each other's eyes, and they fell deeper in love.

(Y/N's POV)
"I'm going to take you home, and I'm not leaving your side." He says. "Neither are we." Asher says. And with that, Jordan piles me in his car and drive her back into her house. "The house isn't at its best right now. We should just go over your house or-" "No, we're staying with you," "Jordan-" "No, Y/N." "At least give me a couple hours to clean everything up." I snap as I slap the dashboard. I wince as pain shoots up my arm and into my fresh cuts.

I cradle my arm and Jordan says, "What was that?" "Nothing," I mumble. Tears clouded my vision as I bring my legs up into my chest. I pull down my sleeve and glance out the window.

We arrive at my house and I say, "I fully warn you though. Cleaning hasn't really been a priority over the past few weeks." "We don't care. We're not leaving your side," Asher says as he walks out of the car.

(End Music)
Everyone helped clean the house, which was the most embarrassing thing. To have them see who I truly was through how I took care of my things. Olivia helped me throw away my cutting blades, my blunts and my alcohol, which was quite paradoxical when I think about it.

Now, we were all watching Homeward Bound in my living room. Spencer and Jordan were on either side of me and Asher was sitting on the floor in between my legs. Wow, they really meant it when they said not leaving my side. I huff as I stand from the couch. "I'm heading to the bathroom." Everyone looked up at me with concern. "Relax, it's not like I'm going to drown myself or anything." I say with a small chuckle.

When no one chuckles with me, I add, "Too soon?" "Very," Olivia says. "Fine," I say with a huff. "Layla, would you mind accompanying me to the bathroom." Completely take off guard with my response, she says, "Me? Uh, sure." She stands from the couch and we make our way to the bathroom. Before I walked in, I felt a weird vibe coming from her. A vibe that I am familiar with because that's exactly how I use to feel: alone.

"Layla, is everything okay?" "Yes, everything's fine." She says with the most fakest smile that I have ever seen. I cross my arms and lean against the wall, waiting for her to tell the truth. "What?" "Listen, Spencer and Olivia may not be able to see through this facade. But I can, because I've been using it for years. So spill." "I don't know, Y/N. We're suppose to be focusing on you. I don't want to change that."

"If we don't address what's going on with you, then you're the one that is going to be on that bridge and needing someone to pull you back from ending it. So just tell me, Layla, please. I don't want you to feel like you're alone." I state. She rubs the sides of her arms as she softly sobs. Tears brim in her eyes and I pull her in for a hug. "Thank you," She says shakily. "For what?" "For being the first person to realize how alone I am."

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