"We're Related, Not Sisters" (A Takers Story) [1/5]

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A/N: For those of you who don't know, Takers is a movie about a group of thieves who call themselves 'takers', and they were targeted and double crossed by a former taker. There are a lot of big actors in there like Paul Walker, Idris Elba, Chris Brown, Hayden Christensen, Zoe Saldana, Michael Ealy and much more. It's available on Netflix of you're interested in watching it. But my favorite out of all of them is AJ aka Hayden Christensen. ❣️

I roll my eyes once I see that my sister was calling me. I mean, we are sisters by blood, but we were separated at birth and grew up in completely different lives. We recently discovered each other and are now in touch. The only thing that is similar about us besides our looks is our love to steal.

We consider ourselves takers, and we're pretty damn good at it. Actually, I'm pretty damn good at it. I am more than well equipped to do heists on my own but she insisted on helping me with the technological side, so I figured why the hell not.

"Hello?" "I have another job for us, but it requires us to team up with another group-" "Absolutely not," "What, why not? You didn't even give me a chance to explain." "I don't need you to explain anything. The answer is no." "But why?" "Because other teams are selfish, just like we are. They would want all the money that they take for themselves. The only reason for them wanting to team up is for more hands to help things run more smoothly. The moment that the money is in their possession, they'll either kill us or screw us over so we get caught by the police." I explain.

"Though I do agree with your reasoning. That is not at all what is occurring here." A British man states. "And who the hell are you? Y/S/N, is this a friend or a foe?" "Friend," "Do I have to go over there?" "No, continue with your task. I'll text you an address to meet me at," "Y/S/N," I scolded."Don't worry, I'll be fine." I hum with disagreement and she says, "Y/N, I swear. I'm okay." "Fine," I say before hanging up.

Third Person POV
"Well she seems nice," John says sarcastically. "She's really not, but somehow she gets all the guys. I don't understand." Y/S/N says as she flails her arms drastically. "Is she hot?" Jesse asks. "Well you're about to see for yourself." Y/S/N says. The boys and Y/S/N are on top of the roof diagonal to the warehouse that Y/N was going to raise.

Y/S/N wanted them to see how Y/N was in her element so they could see how much of an asset should would be for the team. Y/N pulls up in her yellow Nissan Fifth Generation 350Z, and collected herself before stepping out of the car. She's wearing a silk, burgundy dress that hugged her curves just right and black heels. "Damn," the boys say collectively, making Y/S/N's eyes roll.

"That's what I thought you'd say," she says. They all watch as Y/N approaches the gate and charms her way through. A man approaches her and she holds out her hand for him to kiss. He does so and they proceed to walk into the warehouse. About thirty minutes later, Y/N is bursting out of the doors of the warehouse with blood staining her dress, a bag of money slung over her shoulder and a shotgun resting on her other shoulder. "Can I just marry her right now? I.." Jesse states. "She's definitely in," Gordan says before walking away from the ledge.

Tonight is when I meet the other team for the first time and to be honest, I'm not that defensive over it. I've always secretly wanted to team up with anger group. I was just unsure how. Since the boys weren't here yet and I was bored out of my skull just sitting there, so I decided to go to the dance floor and get a couple drinks.

"Hey, where do you think you are going?" Y/S/N says as she sees me stand from my chair. "To dance. Give me the signal when the boys are here." "Y/N," "Relax, you're going to give yourself an aneurysm one of these days." I state before descending down the stairs.

Third Person POV
Y/S/N watched in awe as Y/N makes her way to the dance floor. She takes nothing but fun into consideration she thinks to herself. When really, she's always been envious of Y/N. She grew up in a foster home with primarily boys, which means that she bonds with guys much easier and faster than Y/S/N ever could.

And Y/N is always getting all of the guys too. She's always been outdoing Y/S/N since as long they've known each other. But Y/S/N never had the courage to say anything to her about it.

Meanwhile the boys walk in and give Lilly a kiss before walking up the stairs. "Where's Y/N?" Gordon asks. "She's out dancing," "She's dancing?" Gordon says. "Yes, we were here early and she hates standing still for a long period of time." Y/S/N explains. "Where is she? I'll find her," AJ says. "Ah, ah, easy loverboy." Jake says. "She the girl in black at the center," Y/S/N says.

They all look at the center of the dancing and Y/N is grinding with two guys at the same time. "Damn," AJ and Jesse says.

Y/S/N waves her arms and Y/N looks at her. She pulls away from them and one of the men that was with her, lifted her into his arms. She whispered something into his ear and the man carries her through the crowd until they reached the foot of the steps. He set her down and kisses her hand. "Thank you," "No problem, luv." He says before he leaves.

"You see what I mean? That is complete bullshit."Y/S/N says. "She has charm, that's for sure." Y/N walks up the stairs and takes a deep breath. "Are these the guys?" Y/N asks as she motion to them. "Yep,"

"I'm Y/N," I say as I show my hand to a taller, African American man. "Gordon," "Ah. You're the one that I spoke to on the phone." "Yes, that's me." I move to shake the hand of tall, Caucasian man with gorgeous deep blue eyes. "Y/N," "John," "Nice to meet you," "Same to you," He looks me up and down before walking away to the next guy. This man had beautiful baby blue eyes and dark brown, curly hair but he doesn't give off the most welcoming vibe. "I'm Jake,"

"Y/N," I say before shaking his hand and moving along. The next man was much more welcoming. His hair is shaved but he has cute, dark brown eyes and full lips. "I'm Jesse," he takes his hand in mine and spins me around slowly so he take a good look at me. "Nice to meet you, ma."

"Thanks," Then I came across a man who appear Caucasian, but I could tell that he was mixed with something else. He towers over me with his hands in his pockets. His tattoos peek out for underneath his jacket. He has dirty blonde hair that is slicked back beneath his cute, black, pork pie hat.

Though he is a little bit on the thinner side, but I feel like that wouldn't matter when it comes down to it. His eyes are probably the most interesting out of all of his friends. They're a blend of green and brown, but it's not necessarily hazel. His lips stretch into a smile and takes my hand into his.

Chills roll up my body and my eyes never leaves his. He presses his warm lips against the skin of my hand and says, "I'm AJ," His New York accent dripping off of every word. "Y/N," "Now, let's get to business boys," I say before taking a seat. AJ sits right across from me and the rest of the boys file in on the couch beside us. A woman comes with a bottle of wine in a bucket full of ice.

"Who bought this, baby?" Jake asks her. "This is for Johnny boy, it's from the girl in green at the bar." AJ looks over the railing at the girl and the woman says, "She's cute," AJ glances at me before licking his lips. "Nah, I'll pass." He says, making me smile. The next thing I knew, the same woman came back with a tray of four bottles of wine in buckets full of ice. "Damn AJ," Jake says. "Oh these aren't for AJ." The woman says before looking to me.

"They're for me?" I ask. "The entire table of guys at the far left corner bought you one." She explains. I glance over at them and before I could say anything, another man showed up. He is much shorter than the rest of the guys, and as soon as they see him, tension fills the room. "Ghost," the woman says under her breath. Ghost said something that ticked Jake off and I realized that I should probably have my guard up too.

"And whose stripper is this?" Ghost says as he walks closer to her. "Excuse me?" I say, standing from my chair. "Well this is going to be interesting," John says. I approach them and he says, "Don't worry, sweetheart. I always have room for another beauty like you," He lifts my chin up with his thumb and I hold onto his hand and shoulder tightly before I throw him over my leg. I put him into an arm bar and pull until I feel the joint crack. "Son of a bitch!" Ghost said.

"What did you just call me?"

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