The File (A Bucky Barnes Imagine) [1/3]

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Y/N reads Bucky's file and gives him the closure he deserves

"You have a week to track down and terminate your target." The voice booms from my cellphone. "A week? Why so long?" "Because your target isn't like your normal target. He is a fellow assassin and he is responsible for many kills. Files have been sent to your phone and it should arrive in- " my phone chirps as it downloads the files.

"Call me when it is done." "Ma'am?" "Yes?" "Why did you choose me for this?" She took a pause before saying, "because you have never missed a target, and you are the few that I trust," she hangs up without another word. I scroll through the file and come across a picture of the target.

This a man that I have seen before, but I just can't remember where. His clear blue eyes pierce into my soul as I stare down into my screen. "James Buchanan Barnes," I say softly.

I sit up on my bed and continue to scroll through my phone. This may be the hardest job I ever had to do.


It took me five days to find him, which is expected because he has been on the run for most of his life. He is well trained in going completely off the grid and being found only when he wants to be found.

I carry my two duffel bags across the street into a patio that I staked out that happened to be diagonal from James's loft in the Czech Republic. I watch as he strolls down the street and wait fifteen minutes before trekking towards his loft.

As soon as I step foot into his loft, it smelled of plums. Why plums, I wonder? I take out my gun in case there was someone in the loft that I didn't know about. I snoop around the loft, curious to see what I can learn from him based on the particulars of his belongings.

I walk into the kitchen to see a basket full of plums. Does this man have a plum fetish or something? My heels clicked against a hollow place in the floor and I stare down with interest. The board looked like it is in its normal spot, but I know better that to trust what my eyes see.

I take out a pocket knife and stick it in the crevice of the floorboard. I prop it open and pull out a book bag filled with essentials. He has a to-go bag already prepped in case something happens. That's smart, I should start doing that. I move onto his room and I see his drawer to his socks slightly open. I take a peek into his drawer to see a leather book with its cover worn from use.

I take the book into my hand and flip to the first page to see James' small, boxy letters form the thoughts that he was having.

October 2, 2016:
I had another dream about him again. Steve. What happened in D.C. keeps replaying in my mind, and I have no idea why. I understand that I used to care for Steve and that's why I had the inclination to dive into the bay and pull him out before he could drown. But why does he continue to pop up in my brain? What about him is twisting my brain into knots?

Could it be- "who are you?" James' says softly yet defensively. I close the door and look up to meet his gaze. Man, those eyes are even more piercing in person than I thought. "James,-" "how do you know my name? Who are you?" He interrupts, his voice still soft.

"My name is Y/N Y/L/N, and I was sent here to kill you. As you can tell from the lack of movement, I don't want to do that. I can't do that, actually." I watch his body movements and glance down at his hands to them balled up into a fists.

"And why should I believe you?" He asks. "You don't have to, but I just wanted to warn you before I left about who is after you." I start. His fists loosen slightly and I continue, "My employer is righteous. She gives me cases to men that have done horrible things to others. She knows that I have a small code of ethics that I go by to keep my conscious in check."

"Nonetheless, she is relentless whenever she wants something. And she really wants you, James. I'm not sure as to why. But she doesn't. So don't settle down in one place until at least a year." I add. "Why didn't you kill me? If you read that journal, you and I both know that I deserve it." "Except, that's not true, James. You don't deserve it. You're not a killer. You were unwillingly made into one. I could tell from your picture... that you aren't a killer."

"What do you mean from my picture?" He asks, nearing the kitchen counter. "I can tell from your eyes. I've looked into many eyes and saw the life leave the eyes of many horrible men. But there's just something about your eyes that didn't sit right with me." I explain. "It is almost as if there is an innocent little boy trapped behind your eyes. A bruised, beaten and tortured, innocent little boy who grew up too fast." I add.

He bows his head slightly and I say, "They will have probably tracked my burner down to where you are by now. I suggest you take your to go bag and get the hell out of dodge, James." I move to walk passed him and he says, "Bucky," "Hm?" I say. "Bucky. My name's Bucky." His blue eyes burrow into my Y/E/C orbs and the next thing I knew, I'm saying, "There is a place that is completely off the grid."

"And where is that?" "My place. I know it's a big risk considering that we just met and I was assigned to kill you, but I'm the best person to make sure that you stay safe." "Why is that?" I move to take off my gloves and I see Bucky starting to tense up. "Relax, I'm just trying to show you what I can do."

I set the gloves on the counter and create a small ball of fire levitating in my palms. He takes a step back and I say, "Bucky, if I wanted to use this on you, I would have days ago. As I said, my goal is not to hurt you." "what are you?" "They call my kind Firelings. I'm the only one of my kind on this planet. Apparently there is a whole planet of people that are just like me. But they never found it."

"My employer was actually helping me find the planet with ever target that I eliminate." I add. "So you would give up meeting your entire species, for me. Why?" He asks. "Bucky, that's the thing. I have no idea." A metal clang catches both of our attention to the door.

"They're here. Grab your go bag and take my car. Take the closest flight out of here." I say, tossing him the keys. "But what about you?" "Don't worry about me. Run, Bucky." As soon as the door bursts open, I shoot lines of fire from my palms scorching everything in its path.

A man dressed in all black and with a shield made of fire proof material. He pulled back the mask he was wearing and I found out it as my partner, who is also my ex. "Y/B/N?" "What's wrong? Cat's got your tongue?" He taunts.

"She knew exactly what would happen when you would meet him. That's why she sent me to make sure the job was done. But she wanted make you feel included." He adds. "What?" "Sorry babe, you didn't make the cut for this one." He states. I throw a fireball at him and even though he puts up his shield, the impact sent him flying into the wall.

A few more men file in and I take them out without sending a single fire ball. Just because I have powers, it doesn't mean that I use them all of the time. More and more men in fire resistant clothing walk in and I knew then that I was screwed. They all aim their guns at me to shoot when Bucky stands in front of me with a mattress in front of him.

"Bucky, what are you doing! I told you to run." He throws the mattress horizontally so it hits all of the guys. "I wasn't going to leave you after you abandoned everything you ever known for me." He says before lifting me up and jumping out of the window. I scream at the top of my lungs and close my eyes, not wanting to see the end of my life. Bucky lands on something and I don't feel my body aching with pain.

"It's okay. I got you." He says before running across the roof of another apartment building. "You should have left when you had be chance, Bucky." I say with a sigh. "Why?" To answer his own question, a helicopter appeared and started to hover over us. One of the side doors open and a man with a machine gun aims the barrel at us. "That's why."

"Okay, Bucky, this is what you need to do. You need to put me down and start running to my car as fast your toned legs can carry you. You're going to want to be around to see what's next." He looks at me skeptically and I add, "Go, now." He sets me down and gives me one last glance before sprinting off of the building.

I turn around and glow my eyes, knowing that it would take a lot for me to be pulled back. The helicopter tries to follow him with its automatic gun raised and I raise my hands an send fire beams into the engine. I watch it explode and falls to is fiery death a few hundred feet down. More soldiers filed onto the roof and I feel my inner fire starting to take over. My vision turned red and my senses were starting to get fuzzy.

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