When Two Stars Collide (A Night Shift Story) [1/2]

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-Drew and Y/N become a couple-
"Are you serious right now, Kenny?" I ask as we walk into our apartment. "Serious as a heart attack," he says, closing the door. "I do not have feelings for Drew, okay?" "How else would you explain that you opened up to him about literally everything that happened in your life, and you haven't told me shit!" He snaps.

"Kenny, Drew and I have a special bond. We've had it since before we dated, and as a matter of fact, you said that you didn't mind it. You said that you were going to rise above jealousy. What is this exactly?" I state. "No, I said I didn't mind it if it remained strictly platonic and I didn't expect anything between you two," He clarifies.

"What could you possible have to suspect, Kenny? That I'm cheating on you with Drew?" I snark. "Yes," "Oh my God, Kenny, I was kidding!" "Well I'm not kidding. Are you cheating on me with Drew?" "No, of course not! I love you, Kenny. I would never cheat on you or hurt you for any reason." I say as I hold his hands into mine. "Yeah, well i don't believe you, and I'm sorry, but I don't want to be in a relationship with someone I don't trust." He says, pulling his hands away from mine.

"Kenny, you can trust me." "No, I can't. It's been nice knowing you, Y/N. But this can't work, I'm sorry." He says. He holds the side of my face and presses a lingering kiss on my forehead before going into his room to pack his things.

Tears build up in my eyes and shaky breathes leave my lips as I realize that I will be all alone soon. Kenny walks passed me with two duffel bags in his hands. He stops next to me and adds, "I hope you find happiness in your life, Y/N." My face collapses into my hands with shame as she walks out. Where am I going to go now?


(Third Person P.O.V.)
Phoenix packs some clothes for the next couple of days and decided to run into the rain at night since Drew was only a couple of blocks away. Y/N knocks on the door with her clothes dripping wet from the rain. "Are you okay, Y/N? Where's Kenny?" Drew asks, his eyes scanning her wet clothes.

"K-Kenny broke up with m-me," Y/N stumbles. "Really? He did that," Drew asks in disbelief. "He t-thought that I was cheating on him." She trails off. "With you," She adds. "What? That's ridiculous," Drew states. "Come inside, " He adds as he opens the door for her to fit through. She walks in without a word and sets down her bags. "Why are you- did you walk here?" Drew asks.

Y/N simply nods and sits on the couch with her knees tucked into her chest like a few weeks before. "Here, l-let me get some clothes for you to wear, " he says before leaving the room. Y/N shivers out of both fear and coldness. Drew returns with one of his shirts and boxers. She changed out of them right in front of Drew, it's not like he cared about it, they were best friends and he was gay, there shouldn't have been a problem.

But deep down, there was a problem and deep down they both know their true feelings for one another, they just didn't know how to express it. "Are you hungry?" Drew asks as she sits next to her. She shakes her head no and Drew reads her face for any emotions; all he could sense was one thing: shame. "Do you want to talk about it?" He adds. "I don't know. It just seems that a lot of crappy things are happening to me for no reason." She says with a sigh.

"Like, am I such a horrible person to be kidnapped, assaulted and betrayed in the same damn month." She adds. "Hey, you listen to me." Drew starts. "You are not a bad person. You're just... a good person with bad luck, and a rough past." He adds. "Sounds like a horrible person to me,' she states, more tears streaming down her cheeks. "You're giving yourself a bad rep than you are taking yourself for," He says.

"Can you blame me?" "I don't, I just don't like seeing you this defeated. You have fought your way to get here. Why do you want to just stop?" "Because I am losing thing to fight for," She says. "What do you- what- what do you mean?" Drew asks. "I trained most of my life in MMA and I got kidnapped and assaulted. If I was good enough in MMA, that wouldn't have happened." She explains.

"Hey, don't you dare go there. You were cornered and you fought-" "I barely fought Drew. I did some kicks and then I ran. I called to you then I got shot in the leg. I-I didn't fight hard enough. I've trained and trained and trained, and when the time finally came, I failed." She says. "You did the best you could in an impossible situation, okay? If I was-" "If you were in that situation, you would have kicked their asses without question. You're not like me, you're not weak." I interrupt.

"Okay, I think I need to take a break from this. 'Cause this conversation will only make me even more pissed. Goodnight." He says, standing from the couch with an angered groan.

"Wait, Drew-" "No, you're not weak. You're about the damn greatest, strongest and inspiring person I have ever met. And to see you like this, it sickens me. You're... you're truly more than you what you think you are worth," he explains. "I'm sorry, just please don't leave me." Y/N whimpers.

Drew's anger dwindled away and he sighs before sitting back down on the couch. "Just don't call yourself weak again, okay?" he asks as he lays down next to Y/N. Y/N lays down next to him and faces him to say, "Okay, I won't," "I love you," She adds. "I love you more," Drew says.

She snuggles her head into his chest and he rests his head onto her head. They have been asleep in that same position until morning. Rick woke up to find Drew out of bed and walks into the living room to see them cuddling. Rick has always been skeptical of Drew's friendship with Y/N. He noticed how Drew has a different look in his eye when he sees her, but he chooses not to say anything. But now, he can't be silent. Now, he has to speak his mind and tell Drew how this makes him feel.


After weeks of fighting, Rick and Drew broke up leaving both of them heartbroken. Drew decided to stay over Y/N's house just as she did to him. To say that they enjoyed each other's company was an understatement, they would sleep in the same bed every night. And one could not properly sleep without the other. Jordan and the other coworkers have definitely noticed the increased time that Drew and Y/N have been hanging around each other.

Even best friends, don't hang around each other that much. It was now the weekend and Y/N wanted to stay in and clean around the house. Drew being Drew, went MMA training with TC since Kenny still held a grudge against him, for no legitimate reason. It was starting to get dark out and Drew comes back to Y/N's dropping with sweat.

"Hello?" Drew calls our despite his lack of breathe. "In the kitchen," Y/N says. Drew walks into the kitchen to see Y/N in a sports bra and shorts as she tries to reach for a cup that is just a shelf too high. She curses under her breath as she continues to reach for it. "Okay,short stuff, I got it." Drew says as he grabs her waist and set her down on the counter like a child.

He holds onto her thigh and grabs the cup effortlessly from the shelf. "Thus here, you tree, I am not short. I just happen to be not freakishly tall like you. I am actually average height for my weight class." She justifies. "Whatever helps you sleep at night," Drew says as he gives her the cups. "You're sweaty and disgusting and you need a shower," she teases as she pushes him away.

"Oh come on, you know you like it." He teases as he lifts her off the counter and purposefully rubbing the sweat on to her. "Ew, Drew! Get off of me!" She yells, trying to get out of his grasp. Drew finally put her down and aha wipes off the sweat. "You're a pain in my ass, you know that?" She says, breaking the awkwardness at the fact that they are in each other's arms.

He peers down at her and his eyes drift from her eyes to her lips as a clear signal. She lean sin and he does the same until their lips collide. Her hands find their way behind his neck as she deepens the kiss.

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