Regrets of the Past (A Night Shift Story)[1/2]

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-Y/N's abusive ex comes back into her life-
"Please babe," Drew begs. "No, we cannot sleep in today. We already slept in yesterday and spent most of that day walking around Texas," I say as I stand from the bed. "And wasn't that a great day?"he asks. I stretch out my sore muscles and yawn before heading to the bathroom.

"It was, but I don't know, Drew. We can't keep calling in sick." I say, pulling my hair into a ponytail, "I can't help it, I'm sorry. I just want to be around to . When we're at work, we rarely see each other until the end of our shift." Drew says as he follows into the bathroom.

He stands behind me and presses his warm chest abusing my back, I sigh with content and say, "I know, but we have a job to do, Drew. And lives to save, we can't jeopardize that," I state. "You're right, but that still doesn't mean that I want to go." He says before pressing a soft kiss on my neck.

"You don't think they would mind if we were a little late, would you?" He adds, lifting me up and setting me on the counter. "You're a pain in the ass, you know that?" I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. "But you love me," He says before sealing his lips onto mine and walk me back to the bed. "Five minutes," I command. "Let's make that ten,"


Drew and I basically sprint into the hospital, knowing very well that they were thirty minutes late. Let's just say that ten minutes turned into twenty minutes. TC whistled at us as we run passed him. "That's one good looking couple right there," TC teases, earning a glare from Kenny. "Hey, don't give me that look. You're the one that broke up with her and broke her heart. Drew was just there to pick up the pieces." TC defends.

Drew and I get changed as fast as we could before rushing to get a patient. "See you in a couple of hours," Drew says and before I could say the same, he grabs the side of my face and slams his lips onto mine. "Bye," He adds before walking away. "Bye," I say in surprise. Drew doesn't normally kiss me or show any affection in public.

I look around to see the nurses and TC staring at me with a proud smile. "Alright guys, don't you have patients to check on?" I say to them , making them walk away from their stations. The paramedics came in and called out the vitals of a woman that looked like she got ran over by a tractor trailer three times over. She looks more scared than any patient that I have ever seen.

"Help me, please." She says as she reaches out to me. I run over to her and walk beside her as the paramedics continues to roll her "take her to trauma two," I say before turning to where another ambulance pulls up. "I got this," Drew says. I nod to him before running to the woman in trauma two.


"Miss- I mean Doctor Y/L/N, the patient's boyfriend is here to see her," Kenny says. "Okay, you can bring him in," I say not looking up from my clipboard. Things are still tense between Kenny and I, and we both have no interest in changing such circumstances. "Sweetheart," a familiar voice says.

The voice that belong to my patient's boyfriend also belong to an abusive ex-boyfriend I had named- "Eli!" My patient exclaims with fake excitement something I used to do years ago. He's actually the main reason that I joined MMA in the first place.

I finally look up from my clipboard at the same time Eli looked away from my patient. "Y/N/N," Eli says with disbelief. "You are the last person I thought would become a doctor. You're so.. insensitive." He adds, straightened his posture to appear intimidating.

"Ironic coming from you, isn't it?" I sneak. "You know each other?" My patient asks, her fearful eyes darting between me and Eli. Now I am beginning to question the whole situation of injury. Eli could have done this - he's most likely the cause of this.

"Sadly, can I have a word with you outside, Eli?" I say. "Sure, doc." He says, emphasis on 'doc'. Once he closes the door, I say, "Did you do this to her?" "No, of course not? How dare you accuse me of such a thing?" He asks, his hand placed on his chest for emphasis.

"Because you are a heartless, selfish and mutinizing son of a bitch who would do this to someone." I say, stepping closer to him. "Wow, now look who thinks who's all big and bad." He says, stepping close to me and subconsciously step back.

He chuckles under his breath before saying, "some things never changed," "is everything okay over here?" Drew says, taking his hands out of his pockets. Drew looks from me to Eli and back to me. "Yeah Mahummad, we're good." Eli says. Drew ignores him and looks to me. Eli tried to walk into the room and I step into the way to say, "I think that she would appreciate a cup of coffee from the cafeteria. She wanted it but I haven't gotten around to it, with other patients and all. Would you mind?"

Eli steps closer to me and his black, lifeless eyes burrow into mine. My grip on the clipboard tightens as my knees grow weak. Which is frustrating because I have been training for this moment and when it finally comes, I have nothing but fear instilled in me. "Sure," Eli says before walking away.

A breath that I was holding left my body and Drew pulls me into an empty supply closet. "Hey, what the hell was that? Were you- were you scared of that guy? Who was he?" Drew asks frantically. My gaze falls to the floor with shame and keep it there.

"Y/N, look at me." Drew says as he places his arms around me. I slowly meet his soft brown gaze and he adds, "You can trust me, you know that right?" "Yes, I know." "Good," He says before pressing a kiss on my forehead. "Now tell me what is going on," He adds.

"I lied to you about MMA." I say with a shaky breath. "Lied how? You're definitely a fighter, you kicked my ass the first time we met," he says. "I didn't train my whole life. I started training in my mid-twenties... after I got out of an abusive relationship with him." I explain. "What? That punk was- he abused you?" He says, his eyes darkening with anger. "Don't," "Don't what?" "Don't go over there and kick his ass."

"Because that only opens yourself for a lawsuit as well as this hospital. And I know how much you care for your doctor life." "Well, what do you want me to do? Nothing? Why aren't you doing anything? You and I both know that you can beat him to a pulp in under a minute."

"Because it's more than just physicality power that he has over me. It's mental power." "Ment- what mental power? He has no brain, Y/N." "This isn't funny, Drew." "Who says that I think this is funny. This is anything but funny. Seeing a woman that I love be mental abused by some low life." He says.

"I didn't leave him, Drew. I ran away from him. I packed my things and left when he was at work amd I never looked back. I know that he's been looking for me ever since. Now he's found me and he's not going to stop coming for me." I explain. "I'll make him stop," he intercepts. "Not without jeopardizing your career, you won't. He's smart, he'll use that his advantage." "Well I'm smarter,"

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