Regrets of the Past [2/2]

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"Drew, I don't want to fight anymore." "It shouldn't be us who is fighting anyhow. It should be me and him." "Dre-" "in the parking lot with no weapons besides our hands because he seems like a guy to play dirty." "Drew, I want to leave." I interrupt. "What? Absolutely not! That's bastard is not going to run you out of town." "Drew, be quite."

"No, I won't be quiet. That fucker is going to pay for what he did to you and what he is doing to you now. If it comes down to you or my license, I'm-" "choosing your license. I'm leaving and I'm leaving with my patient, who is another victim of his. There is no changing my mind, Okay? That's final." I say before advancing toward the door. "Y/N," I want to stop walking and I should stop walking, but I don't.

My hand comes into contact with the door knob and Drew clamps his hand over mine. "Please don't make this harder than it already is," I whimper, tears swelling in my eyes. "I can't," He says, holding the side of my face in his hands.

He leans in and presses his lips onto mine. My eyes flutter closed as I step closer to him and he does the same. He walks me into the wall and lifts my shirt over my head before sealing his lips onto mine. My hands find his band of his shorts and I slide them down his legs. I take off my own pants and he pulls away momentarily to take off his shirt.

I trail my fingertips down his chest as I leave soft kisses down the thick base of his neck. He wraps my legs around his waist and effortlessly lifts me off of the ground. He gently sets me down on the ground to slide himself between my legs. He holds up his hand and I interlace my hand with his and he pulls down my panties before he sheathed himself inside of me. We both gasp at the sensation and he starts to rock into me with short and hard thrusts.


He slowly pulls himself out after we both came back from our third climax. I stand up from the ground with a wobble, forgetting how numb my legs go afterwards. I collapse back to Drew's lap and gently keeps me there. "Do you really have to go?" He asks.

"I do, for both our safety and hers," I say. "I love you more than anything in this world." I add, tears trailing down my cheeks. "And I love you more," he reassures. He presses three more kisses on my lips before I let go and put on my clothes.

(Drew's POV)
My heart shatters as I watch her walk out of the room without another glance. She's like a drug. I can't get enough of her. And I have to do something to make sure she stays. I have to do something and Eli.


TC, Kenny and I all stand around Eli's unconscious and bleeding body. When I told them that Y/N was leaving to keep my job safe, they were more than willing to find a way to keep her here. They also know how much Eli hurt her, so beating him unconscious wasn't that much of a problem. "So should we bring him into the ER or wait just a little while longer for the injuries to settle in?" TC asks.

"I think we've waited long enough," I say with a sigh. "Kenny, can you wheel him in when you get there? You're the only one not soaked with this guy's blood." TC asks. "Okay, you guys are talking like he's dead or something." Kenny says. "At the force and rate that Drew was hitting him, he'll die if he doesn't go to the hospital." TC says.

"Then we better get going then. Assault and homicide are completely different jail times." Kenny says. "As great as that felt, you will have to go through a lot of crap with Y/N is she finds out. And she's a smart cookie, which means that she'll figure it out that much sooner." TC says as he clamps a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I know. I just - he had to pay for what he did to her." I justify. "I'm not saying that what we did was wrong, but we have to make sure that this doesn't get out. We need to come up with a backstory and we need to get rid of these bruises on our knuckles." TC explains.

"She's going to kill me," I say. "Well at least she will know how much you love her." he says. "Hopefully, she will." I state. "Come on guys, let's go." Kenny calls to us.


After TC and I dropped off Kenny and Eli, we went back to my house and took out showers and changed our clothes. We were now heading into the hospital as I contemplate what could happen or what Y/N would say. Once we do walk in, Jordan says, "I need to talk to you, TC. And Y/N really needs to talk to you, Drew."

We both blow out huffs of air and thats when I see Y/N come around a corner. Before I could even register, I am being pushed into the lobby room. "What were you thinking? Doing the very thing that I told you not to." She scolds as she placed with her hands on her hips.

"I didn't want you to leave," I say. "That doesn't matter, Drew. You put a man in a coma. You could get charged with assault," She whimpers. "I know-" "did you know? Did you actually think before doing something stupid like this? I expect that from TC, but from you?"

Our conversation was interrupted by Jordan and TC walking in. "Lock the door, please." Y/N says, clearly aggravated. "I didn't think you would be this mad. I'm sorry." "Drew, I'm-" she starts, glancing to Jordan and TC watching her. She sits down next to me and takes one of my hands in between hers as she sighs deeply.

"I'm not mad at you. I'm just worried about what would happen to you if the police find out." She whispers. "They won't find out," "But what if they do. I know you, Andrew Alister. I know how much integrity means to you, and I don't want your love for me to taint or ruin anything for you." She says, making me wince at my full name.

"I'm using integrity when I say that I love you and I will do anything for you." I say. She holds the side of my face in her hand and she says, "Most people would call that extreme; but I'm not most people." "I really appreciate what you did despite what it would have costed you, I truly do, but that cannot happen again. Do you understand me?" She adds. "I don't know what I would do if something bad happened to you because of me." She says.

"Likewise," "My God, I can't believe you would do something like that for me." She says. She pecks my lips softly before pulling me in for a tight hug. I wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on her shoulder as I pull her closer to me.

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