"You're Welcome, Now Get Out" (Criminal Minds Imagine) [1/2]

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My body jolts forward as a gasp rips from my chest. My head pounds viciously from the blow to the head the one bitch gave me. Reid called me from inside prison to tell me that the new nanny that was watching over Diana was actually someone else. Someone that can be posed as a threat to her.

I hope that I was unconscious for a few seconds instead of a few minutes because if that's the case, then she could be anywhere with Diana. I stumble to the nightstand to get my keys and gun before advancing towards the door. I swing it open as I run down the hall. I kick open the stairs and jump down the flights like a game of leap frog.

By the time I'm at the bottom floor, my chest is heaving with deep breaths. I see the woman shove Diana into her trunk and I memorize her plate number. The woman saw me and raise her gun at me. I took cover behind a car as she continue to shoot at me. When I hear the sound of a car rev, I dash to my own car and speed after them.

I follow her and speed dial Emily. "Hello?" she answers. "I'm following the woman that has Diana. Her license plate is LZ45JT. I don't know where she's headed but she is armed so tell the agents to proceed with precaution." "Will do. Be safe alright?" "Yep," I say before hanging up. I follow her down the highway and to a gas station. I made sure that I was as few conspicuous as I can. I wait until she's in line at the gas station and I go into the car. I open the box of wires underneath the steering wheel. and search for the right ones to hijack the car. But before I could do so, I hear a gun cock.

I look to the left to see the woman with her gun pointed at me. I put my hands up and she opens the door. She pulls me to the floor and I stare up at her. She tightens her grip on the trigger and I say, "Ah, ah, ah. Ammunition and gasoline don't really go together does it?" She clenches her jaw and then her phone starts to ring. For the few seconds that she was distracted, I kick her in her stomach and she collapses into the car. I grab her wrist and slam it against the edge of the car so she drops the gun.

She kicks me into the concrete pillar and my vision gets hazy for a moment. I dodge her other kick and throw her over my shoulder. She lands on the concrete floor with an umph. I take her dominant arm and break it against my knee and she screams in pain. "Stay down, or else I will kill you." "Not if I kill you first," She somehow got the gun and aimed of at my head with her left hand. I dash behind the concrete pillar and take out my own gun. She gets into the car but I shoot her arm and chest before she could close the door.

I continued to shoot at her until her movements stopped. I place my two fingers to her neck and found no pulse. I take out my phone and alert Emily of where I am. I open the trunk to see very frightened Diana. She had tears of fear running down her cheeks. I take some keys and cut her loose and she says, "Get away from me!" "Hey, wait, Diana. It's me, Y/N, I'm Spencer's friend." "Spencer? Where's Spencer?" "He's.. he's at work, talking with a few friends. He'll be back soon, okay?"

"Do you want something to eat or drink? Are you in any pain?" I ask. "No, no, Im alright. I just want to see Reid." she answers. "Me too," A few minutes later, Alvez, Tara and a couple other agents pull into the gas station. "You might want to get that checked out." Alvez says as he motions to the gash on my forehead. "I don't think this is what I have to worry about. She shoved into that pillar. I think I have a concussion."

"Okay well then you definitely need to get that checked out. Hey, can you come over here for a second." Alvez calls the nearest paramedic he sees. "Come with me, ma'am." "Keep an eye on her okay?" "Will do," "And Y/N," Tara adds. I turn around and she states, "Reid would be proud of you. I know I am." I nod to her before following the paramedic to the ambulance.


It's been a few days since Reid had to speak with Cat in prison. He's been wanting to see me, but I don't want to see him. Reid and I were friends, but I felt like something was blossoming between us. But then he went to Mexico without telling anybody, including me. And then he was framed for murder and went to jail. But that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that he didn't put me on the list to visit that. Now that, that hurt more than I can imagine.

Turns out, I did have a concussion and now Savannah comes to check up on me weekly to make sure everything is alright. I told her I didn't want to burden her, but she said that was no such thing. Truth is, once this concussion is healed and I'm cleared for traveling. I'm moving away from Quantico and headed to a place completely new. I have nothing left here besides a broken heart, so it's best that I just leave.

A knock on the door snaps me out of my thoughts. I groan when I realize that it was Reid again. "Y/N, please. I want to see you." "Go away, Reid." "Come on, at least let me say thank you for saving my Mom." I sigh deeply before saying, "If I let you in just this once, will you leave me alone." "If that's what you want, then yes."

I hug my robe to my frame and open the door to see Reid for the first time in months. And just like I expected, my heart flutters when he looks into my eyes. "I missed you," he says as he walks in. "No you didn't , Reid." "You're angry that I didn't put on the visitation list." he deducts. "I'm angry because i was hurt. And that hurt turned into anger. Why? Why didn't you let me visit you?" I say as I close the door.

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