Ocean Eyes (A Riverdale Story) [1/2]

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(Cue Music)
Reggie's POV:
I lean my head on the base of my locker as I closed my eyes for a moment of rest. It's not like I can really sleep with my Dad yelling at me and throwing glass bottles over my head. "Hey, Reggie." Archie says, making my head pop up and hit the side of the locker. "Damn Archie! Why'd you have to sneak up on me like that?" I scorn as I rub the side of my face.

I adjust my sunglasses and Archie's face droops. "Again, dude?" He asks. "Don't worry about it," I state as I take the books that I need for my next two classes. "I have to worry about it, Reg. Because you're my friend." "Andrews, I said let it go." I say, closing my locker.

Then she walked in and suddenly my day just got that much better. Y/N Y/L/N. She transferred from Boston a few weeks ago and she is so damn beautiful. It's just something about her innocent, bright smile and those gorgeous ocean blue eyes that just makes my heart want to leap out of my chest. More times than not, I would definitely talk to her and ask her out on a date. But lately, my face has been bruised and beaten down that I've lost all confidence in myself.

"Dude, just talk to her. It's not that hard." Archie says. "It's easier said than done. She's insanely beautiful Archie. I freeze whenever she even looks in my direction." I confess. "It's alright buddy. I got your back." He says as he makes his way over to Y/N. "Archie!" I whisper/scream. He motions me to calm down and he finally approaches her.

Third Person POV:
Archie approaches Y/N in attempt to set her up with Reggie, but the second that Y/N closes her locker and faces Archie, time stops. Her piercing blue eyes struck him and he froze in his spot. She was gorgeous. Archie thought. Y/N has a small smile pulling at her lips and Archie scratches the back of his neck. "Hi," "Hey," she says as she walks passed him and go to her period two class.

Archie watches as she walks away from him and glances over at Reggie to see him say, "I told you,"

Later on that day, Archie convinced Jughead to try and set Y/N up with Reggie. He gladly accepted the challenge, but the same thing happened with Jughead. Her ocean eyes made his freeze in his tracks. She chuckles at his reaction and before he could even get a single word out, the bell rung for period six.

"What, you guys thought I was a wuss? No, I just can't think straight when I'm around her, and apparently neither can you guys." Reggie states. "Bro, what the hell?" Archie says. "She has that charm," Jughead says. "And those eyes, man." Reggie says. "Exactly bro,"


Reggie had yet another falling out with is father, except this time, Reggie ran away from home. He didn't bring anything except the clothes on his back. Luckily for him, Y/N was going on a late night food run to Pop's and was on the drive back when she saw Reggie walking on the side of the road. "Wait a minute, I know him." She says. She pulls off on the side of the road and parks her car.

"Hey, I know you. You go to Riverdale High, right?" She asks. Reggie could barely form words because he was drunk off his ass. He walks towards her and falls into her arms with exhaustion. She pulls him into the car and drives to her house. She could only carry him to the couch before he gave out under his weight. "What the hell?" Her sister asks.

Y/N tucks him in and says, "He's drunk and he was walking on the street while it was raining. The road was slick, and he would have gotten hit tonight if I didn't pick him up." "I thought you promised that you wouldn't take in anyone from here. You're not Mother Theresa." "I know, I know. But I just.. couldn't help it." Y/N says, gazing down at him.

"Do you even know his name?" Her sister asks. "I think his name is Reggie. Reggie Mantle." "Hm, he's kinda cute." Her sister says. "Don't even think about it." Y/N scolds. "Oh? Why because you already claimed dibs on him?" She states. "No, because he's in my grade, which means that he is eighteen or older. And since you're fifteen, that I definitely not going to happen." "Ugh, whatever." She says, rolling her eyes. "Oh shut up and get the food from the car," Y/N scolds.

** (Song Ends)

Y/N decided to take her shower while Reggie slept to help wake herself. Little did she know that Reggie was slowly but surely coming back to consciousness. He wakes up slowly but sits up frantically when he realized that he had no idea where he was. He hears the shower run and walks up the stairs to see if it was Archie. "Andrews?" He calls, but no response.

He hears a beautiful female voice singing and he was immediately concerned. I opened the bathroom door and neared the shower curtain to take a peek as to who was in there, but before he could do that the shower curtain was pulled back as Y/N's hand reached out to grab a towel. She wrapped the towel around her body and opened up the shower curtain to see Reggie staring at her.

She screamed and covered her mouth as she did so. "Oh my God, I am so sorry! I didn't know how I even got here! I'm sorry if I broke in or something, I do such stupid things when I'm drunk. And I-"

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