I'm Sorry [2/4]

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The next thing I knew, Emmett is pulled away from me and thrown onto the floor by Drew. "What the hell do you think you are doing, huh?" Drew says, punching Emmett in the face. "Drew, stop!" "You think it's okay to force down a woman and have sex with her when she clearly doesn't want to." Drew says before punching Emmett in the face again.

"Stop it, Drew!" "Why are you protecting this stupid son of a bitch." Drew asks as he lifts Emmett off of the ground. "Because him and I are seeing each other, Drew. Okay? We have been having mutual, consensual sex for the passed six months. Now put him down." I command. "Well it didn't look consensual." "Drew, our him down or I swear to God." I threaten, making Drew finally our Emmett in the ground roughly. I stand from the bed and kneel next to examine his wounds. As far as I can tell, he just has a broken nose and a bruise forming underneath his left eye. "Okay, Em, just go to the medic tent and get fixed up. I have to stay here and have a little chat with Drew." I explain.

I help Emmett stand from the ground and Drew hands me a cloth. I put that cloth on Emmett's nose and tilted his head back to prevent his nose bleeding anymore than it already is. He follows my instruction and walks out of the tent. "Y/N," he starts, "You have no right in my love life. That ship has sailed when you broke my heart six months ago. You have no say in anything in my life." I snap.

"I'm sorry, okay? Despite anything, I still want to protect you," "Well you still don't have the right to punch my boyfriend in the face because we were having sex." "Is he your actual boyfriend or is he a fling? Because I've seen how he looks at you when you're not looking. He's completely in love with you and you act like it's nothing serious." He states.

"That is none of your business." I say. "So it is a fling.," he trails off, am,in me roll my eyes. "Why did he have such a tight grip on your wrists?" He adds. "For personal reasons," "Really? He has to cause you pain in order for him to make you feel-" "And this conversation is over," I say before walking out of the tent. "Not like that you're not," He says, his eyes scanning my half naked body. "Fine, then get out. I need to change."i state. He hesitantly leaves the room and I feel the sudden need to punch something.


Amara and I just came back from our norm if job to see Drew and some other guys doing some weight training. "Hey ladies," "Hey fellas," I greet. I glance over to First Sergeant to see him with a bandage over his swollen and discolored nose along with a black eye that is swelling more and more by the second. I move to approach him when I hear a soldier say, "Ayo, Y/N. This man is an incredible fighter, he could definitely be on your level."

"He is on our level. We trained together back in Texas." I say before taking a swig of water. "Really?" "Yeah," "Who was better?" Drew and I exchange a look and I say, "We we're equal," "Bull, there's no way that you two are equal. Spar for a few rounds with him." "No," "Why not?" "Because she would kill me. There's a lot of pent frustrations there that is deadly." Drew explains.

"So, you're not equal, if you think that she is going to win." "I'll do it. I'll spar with him," Amara says. "No, Amara. He's advanced. I didn't teach you enough to beat someone like him." I state. " Where's your faith?" She asks. "Amara, I'm serious. You should not fight him." "What did you use to say to me about failures?" It's something that you can always learn from, right?" "This is not one of these instances,"

"Come on, Y/N. If she wants to get her ass kicked. Then let her get her ass kicked." "You want to get your ass kicked, Conner." I threaten. "You are not fighting him. That is final." "You are not my mom," "I am your mentor. That's close enough to me." She mumbles something under her breath before walking back to her tent.


Taking my hair out of my hair tie, I shh deeply as I collapse onto my bed with exhaustion. Things have been increasingly stressful now that Drew is here. My efforts to avoid him is completely overwhelming my brain more than going on missions inside the war zone. My abdomen hurts from the fight with the Iraq soldier and I had to take his machete away from him. I ignore the pain because I know that I need to get some sleep for another stressful day tomorrow.

"Y/N,l I hear Drew whispers. "Oh for the love of -" I say under my breath. "Come in," I add. He walks into my tent and stuff his hands into his pockets like he used to do to his scrubs. "I, uh, I-I just wanted to check in on you. You seemed off today." He says. "I'm fine. I'm just tired." "A-and you're lying to me again."

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