You Talk Too Damn Much (A Twilight Imagine) [1/2]

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A/N: I know that Twilight is very cringe worthy at times. But I wrote this a month ago when I was in the sappy, rom com mood. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Hope you guys like it.
Jasper & Paul:
Why can't we start school next week?" I whine. "Because we are already a month behind." My sister, Y/S/N, states. "It's our senior year, what does it matter?" "It's because it's our senior year that it matters." "I mean, why can't we just homeschool ourself even." "Because we need to interact with people in order to be happy," "Says who? Because I can definitely be happy not talking to anybody for long periods of time."

"And that's why you're so social now, huh?" she states sarcastically. "Whatever, I'm going in." I place my air pods in my ears and sling my book bag over my shoulder as I walk out of car. Soon Y/S/N joins me and I can instantly feel the stares of other people.

Y/S/N waves to them and I just walk faster into the school. I was body checked by a boy that was with three of his friends. "Excuse you," I state as I take out one of my earbuds. "You knew we were walking," he says. "You know what, asshole, you're not worth my time. Stay out of my way," I body check him back and walk into the school. I could hear the commotion of them holding him back from doing something. "Control yourself, Paul."

It's better if they did, because I was not in the mood of fighting today. "Seriously, you're already starting trouble."Y/S/N scolds me, making me scoff. "Of course you only see what I do and not what they did first. So much for giving the benefit of the doubt, huh?" "Y/N-" "Whatever, bro."

** Third Person POV

Y/N and Y/S/N waited until dark to phase and get to know the territory. They ran around and sniffed some areas where Sam and his pack ran. Sam could smell them from a mile away, even in his human form. He phased and the rest of this pack soon followed. They finally collided with on another and they were not the happiest.

"Who the hell are? And what are you doing on our grounds?" Sam yells telepathically. "Let me do the talking," Y/S/N says to Y/N. "We just moved here. We were it's getting a feel for the ground." "Yeah, feel for OUR ground." Paul intercepts. "Wait a minute, I know you." Y/N states. "Y/N," Y/S/N scolds. "No, this is the asshole who bodychecked me for now reason. What? Was that some sad attempt to dominate me?" Y/N states.

Paul lunges at her and tries to bite at her neck. Y/N whips around and kicks Paul in the face, sending him flying into a tree. He whimpered and they invited the rest of his pack to fight for him. Y/N stands her ground and growls at them. "Hey, hey, hey! Stop." Sam says. "What? She just bull rushed Paul, we can't just-" "I said stand down," Sam states.

"As long as you don't pose a threat, we can discuss a treaty. To keep the peace between us." He adds. "That sounds great ," Paul growls at Y/N and she returns the favor. "Enough," Y/S/N and Sam scold.

They all walk to Jacob's house and phase back into their human form. As Y/S/N talked with Sam and the rest of the pack, Y/N decided to stay outside and sit on one of the tree branches. "It's better to be apart of this pack than to fight with just the two of you." Sam says.

"Which seems like a good deal, but the problem is talking Y/N into being apart of the pack. She's extremely independent and relies on no one." "What triggered her sense of independence?" Sam asks. "It's a long story," Y/S/N says with a sigh. "And she'll kill me if I tell anyone," she adds. "There are no secrets in the pack," It's not a secret for me to tell."

They all look to Y/N who is climbing further up the tree and stands on one of the high branches. "Well she definitely has the potential, which just need to figure out a way to tap into it."


A few days later and Y/N reluctantly decided to be apart of the pack. But she still continued to isolate herself. There was a bonfire later on that day and Sam wanted to help make Y/N more included. Y/S/N had a thing for Jacob so she was lingering around him during the bonfire, even though Bella was around him too. Y/N is on her phone, scrolling through Instagram when Jared says, "Let's play truth or dare. Y/N starts. Truth or dare?"

All eyes were on Y/N and she sighed deeply. "I'll do a dare," "Ooh, feeling bold I see." Y/N lifts one of her legs close to her chest and rests her chin on the kneecap. "I dare you to make out with Paul for a minute," "Nope, not going to do it." "No take backs and no passes. You're given a dare, now you have to do it."

"Ugh, fine." Y/N stands from her spot on the log and sits next to Paul.

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