Going Dark [2/2]

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"You'll find out who I am, eventually. And I want you to suffer like I did. Kill her." "No! No, please! I - what else do you want? You want money? I'll give you money, just please... don't hurt her." Drew whimpers. "Hm, I'll think of something. I'll call you when I do, and you better answer on the first ring." The man says before hanging up the phone. Drew keeps a white knuckle grip on the phone before he stuffs it in his pocket and walks into the bathroom.

"Son of a bitch!" Drew yells as he pulls the soap dispenser off of the wall and shatter it to pieces on the floor. He yells and lunches the wall and mirror furiously. "Drew! Drew, you need to calm down. You're in a police station, and they will contain you of you can't get your act together." TC states. She didn't do anything, Tee. She didn't lose his wife, I did. She didn't deserve to go through this, she doesn't deserve to die." Drew says as he paces nervously.

"Okay, Drew. Listen to me, we're going to ,ask sure that he gets back home safe." TC explains. "I can't lose her, Tee." "Mister Alister..." the police officer trails off as he sees the mess that Drew made. "Um, we may have a lead on your friend," he adds. "Let's not waste anytime, we have you got?" Drew says.


Y/N was still in her kidnapper's possession and it has been more than a week. Drew can barely sleep knowing that Y/N is in the hands of that monster. Then he realizes that he couldn't wait any longer and decided to take things into his own hands. He texted TC and Topher to let them know that he won't be in the hospital today.

TC and Kenny decided to tag along and they followed leads for most of the day until they found a man who was pressured not to say anything. But the guy soon broke once Drew told him what would happen if he didn't say anything. Five hours later, they stormed into the apartment where Y/N was being kept. Drew took down the three guys like they were flies, the fact that they had guns didn't scare him in the slightest.

Kenny pushed passed the guys and looked in every room until he found Y/N, who was still tied to the chair with the blindfold over her eyes. "Oh my God, Y/N?" Kenny says as he falls to his knees, trying to take off her restraints. He takes off the blindfold and Y/N gasps with fear, revealing her tear stained cheeks. "Y/N, guys she's in here!" Kenny says. "That is the last time you will touch her again, you hear me?" Drew says before punching the guy in the face. Drew runs into the room and lushes Kenny away from Y/N. "Y/N, hey, you're okay now." Drew says as he wipes away her tears. Y/N looks dazed as she looks passed Drew without a single thought. She was engulfed into her own thoughts and they notice her absence. "Y/N, are you okay?" Drew asks.

When she doesn't respond, Drew shakes her by her shoulder. Kenny and TC watch with confusion. "Y/N snap out of it, and talk to me please. What happened? How did you get kidnapped? How-" "Drew," TC states. "What," he snaps. "I think she's in shock from what happened. She's not going to respond anytime soon. We need to bring her to the hospital." TC explains. Drew, TC and Kenny talked among themselves and glance at Y/N every once and a while "Man, look at her face. They really messed her up." Kenny says.

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch," Drew says as he walks out of the room. "No, Drew." TC states. "No, you need to let me go and -" "If you kill him, you'll spend time in jail and not him. Think about it Drew, she needs you." TC says, pushing Drew back by his shoulders. "How does she need me if she can barely speak!" Drew snaps. "She needs you to be there for when she does," Kenny intercepts. Drew calms down but his breathes are still heavy with anger. "I just hope that she can recover..." Drew trails off as she looks at her.


(First Person P.O.V.)
I've been kidnapped for the past week and there was nothing that I could do about it. This thought swirls in my brain as I sit on the hospital bed with my knees tucked into my chest. I have only been here for a couple of hours and literally everyone has been inside of my room trying to talk to me. But the truth is, I don't want to speak to anyone. I just want to be in the comforts of my own mind for now.

(Third Person P.O.V.)
"Is this even normal?" Drew asks the psychiatrist on duty. "Yes, this is completely normal. There are different ways victims react after the underwent a traumatic experience. Y/N is just thinking things through in her mind. Now I'm not saying that this is healing, because it's not. But we still have time to make sure that she is at least starting the process." She explains.

"She won't even talk to me. Me, her best friend." Drew says with hurt. "She just needs time, Drew. I know you love her and you want to make sure that she is safe, but is she needs time and space, you have to give it to her."


It's been about two weeks and Y/N still hasn't spoken. Now even the psychiatrist is getting worried. It's eleven at night and Drew has just finished checking his patients for the night. He decided to stop by Y/N's room. She is still in the same position it's her knees tucked to her chest and tears streaming down her face. "Hey, Y/N," Drew greets. Y/N doesn't respond in the slightest and he sighs deeply.

"Y/N, will you please give me some sort of indication that you are okay? It's been two weeks." Drew say. She still doesn't respond and when Drew gets up to leave, Y/N subconsciously grabs ahold of his hand. "Y/N?" Drew says with shock. She slowly but surely meets his gaze and breathes softly. "Just hold me, please." She says as more tears escape her eyes. "S-sure, anything you want." Drew says.

He sets his clipboard on the table and lays down on the bed next to her, he wraps his arm around her frame as she buries her face into his chest. Soft sobs escapes her lips and Kenny watches with disbelief from the counter outside of her room. Kenny is her boyfriend, why didn't she open up to him first?

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