"We're Related, Not Sisters" [3/5]

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"What, no. I would never take advantage of you like that. No, I brought you here because it was closer than the nightclub. And I could cook you breakfast and.. I don't know. Get to know you better when you're sober than drunk." He confessed. "Oh.." "But if you don't want to do that, I understand. I can take you to the nightclub and-and-" "I'm fine with that. That seems like a good day." I interrupt.

"But, do you have some clothes that I could wear? I reek of alcohol." I add. "Yeah," he sets the bacon on low before walking up to his room. I find myself glancing down his tall slender body to his bulge under his towel to his nicely toned ass. He comes back with a pair of his joggers and black tank top. My mind flashes into him wearing it and let me tell you, it's not a bad thought.

"You think I can wear one of your hats too or is that asking for too much?" He steps closer to me and asks, "Do you really want one?" "Maybe," "Well whether you get one or not depends," "Depends on what?" "Depends on how this day goes," He looks from my lips to my eyes and I knew exactly what he was referring to.

"Imma go take my shower now," I say before taking a step towards him and flip my hair so it hits his face. He hums as he watches my walk away.


Spending the day was AJ was a lot more fun than I thought. We are sitting at the table on his balcony while we talk about ourselves. We actually had more in common that I thought. I sip on my lemonade and rest the brim of the cup against my bottom lip. I stare out at the un disappearing into the skyline and I feel his gaze on me."Take a picture. It'll last longer,"

"Nah, I'm more of a seeing-it-in-the-moment-kind-of-person." "What is it about you that is so damn intoxicating?"He adds. "Well I've been told that it's my eyes," He lifts my chin upwards so he could get a better look at my eyes. "Nope, it's not that." "Then what do you think it is?" I ask. "I dunno. Maybe it's your smile." He says.

"Smile for me," I comply and he adds, "No, that's not it." "Then I don't know what to tell you," our moment was interrupted by my phone ringing. I glance over to see that it was Y/S/N was calling me. "Y/N, you gotta talk to her eventually." He says. "AJ,"

"Come on, Y/N don't deny it. Don't push her away, because at least you have someone. Everyone else has someone. Gordon has his sister and Jake has Jesse. Hell, even John has someone. Coming from someone who lost the only one he had. Don't take what you have for granted. You'll regret it. I know I did." "Who did you lose?"

"My,uh.. I lost my Mom." "Shit, AJ. I'm sorry." "Just promise that you'll fix things with her, alright?" "I will, but later on. I have something that I have to do now." "And what's that?" I pull him closer by his shirt and press my lips onto his. I pull away slowly and say, "That," He stands from his chair and approaches me.

He rests his hands on the arms of my chair and leans in so that our faces are inches apart. I lean forward and capture his lips in a kiss. He inhales sharply and leans me further in my chair. I wrap my arms around his neck and his tongue swipes across my bottom lip. I stand up from my chair and he pulls me closer by the back of the neck.

I hum into the kiss and take his suspenders off of his shoulders and started unbuttoning his shirt. "You're so damn beautiful," He says as he caresses my cheek with his thumb.

He lifts me into his arms and walks me inside the house. Our lips never leave each other as he walks up the stairs and opens his bedroom door. He sets me down on the bed and slides off my joggers as I take off my tank top. I cross my legs while I lean my weight on my hands. He touches my legs softly and kisses up my stomach tenderly.

He slides his hands beneath my underwear and circles my clit with his thumb and index finger. He kisses me intensely and starts to move his fingers faster. I spread my legs wider to give him more access and he plunges two fingers inside of me and curls them. I hold onto his arm as he does so and moan softly in his ear. He kisses my neck and I move my hips to the rhythm of his fingers.

The knot in my stomach intensifies and he stops my movements when I reach my orgasm." Shit," i say. He slides my underwear down my legs and licks up my thighs until he reached my pussy. He rolls his tongue on me and uses the tip of his tongue to massage my entrance. When I look down to meet his hazel green eyes as his tongue does wonders on my clit. I grab the sheets with a white knuckle grip as I moan loudly.

"Damn it, AJ." I feel him smirk against my thighs and he circles my clit to magnify the euphoric sensation. My hips lift off of the bed as my muscles clench when I reach my second orgasm. "That's nothing compared to what my dick is going to feel like." He says as he takes off his shirt to reveal his amazingly toned body. "This is going to be a fun night," I say with a smile.

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