Drastic Measures (A Night Shift Story) [1/2]

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-Drew almost dies-
Staring or into the distance from the window of a coma patient, I calmly click my pen. "Trouble in paradise?" Jordan asks. "That obvious, huh?" I hear her chuckle lightly before saying, "do you want to talk about it? "I don't even know if I can talk about it without feeling bad." I say. "Well Just say what comes to mind, I can be the judge of whether it's bad or not." She says as she sits down in the chair.

"I'm scared of Drew and I's relationship. I am scared of how intense it is and how we are willing to do the craziest thing for each other. Like how I got kidnapped, shot and tortured as a message to Drew. Or how he put my abusive ex in the hospital because he pummeled him into a coma. We would literally do anything for each other and things could get really bad, really fast." I explain.

"Wow, i never thought of your relationship like that. But you do make a great point." She says. "Have you spoke to Drew about it?" She adds. "No, I haven't. Because if I do, I feel like it would lead to a break-up." I state. "Hey, well if what you're saying is true, then would a break-up be that bad? Wouldn't that save you from doing something you would possibly regret for the rest of your life?" She explains.

"It would, but I can never bring myself to do it. I love him too much and quite frankly, I'm afraid of being alone. And Drew understands that, actually better, he doesn't think that is needy or clingy." I explain. "This relationship, it is so full of emotion and that is what makes it thrive. But sometimes, that emotion can cloud our judgement for the worst." I add.

"I think you need to talk to Drew, even if it does lead to a break-up, because it is bettering the outcome of your life and that should always be your top priority." She explains. "I haven't done that in years. Thought about bettering the future of my life." I state. "Why, if I may ask?" "Because the last time I did something for myself, I got my little sister killed." I say. Jordan looks at me in awe and sorrow. "Wow, I had.. I'm so sorry for asking." She finally says.

"Don't blame yourself. You couldn't have known," "Does Drew know?" "Yes, he knows all of my deepest darkest secrets. The last one I had was Eli. And I know some of his, but you know his time in Army really did a number on him." "Yeah, same with TC,"

"Dr. Alexander and Dr. Y/L/N, make your way to the ER. I repeat Dr. Alexander and Dr. Y/L/N, please report to your ER." Mollie speaks into the intercom of the hospital. Jordan and I exchange a look and she says, "Duty calls,"

We both jog down the stairs to the ER and we were greeted with an ER filled with patients with broken bones and skull fractures. "What happened here, Kenny?" Jordan asks. "Oh my God," I say as I see so many drastic injuries that all needed immediate care. The question is how will we tend to all of them at the same time.

My heart skips in my chest when I see a very familiar pair of light brown eyes staring at me. His freckles across the bridge of his nose. His thick buzz cut and broad shoulders. "Drew?" I say, making Jordan and Kenny stop their conversation. I rush over to him and say, "what happened?" "There... was a collapsing building and I-" "You rushed into a collapsing building. I should slap you. That is a first responder's job, Drew." I say as my eye scan his body for injuries.

I rip his pain leg to reveal his tibia sticking out of his flesh. "I used to do that in the Army." He groans. "This is not the Army, Drew. We have first responders to take care of those kind of things. Policemen. Firemen. Paramedics. We are doctors, our jobs is to treat what they bring us. Not to go out and do it ourselves." I scold. "I'm sorry," he says weakly. I take my flash light into his eye and they dilate normally. I tell him to follow my finger as I move it in front of his face. I lift up his shirt and gently press my fingers into his stomach and chest, checking for their tenderness. When I touch his chest, he groans with pain and his heart rate spikes.

"Oh my God, oh my God, okay." I say as I pull out my stethoscope and to listen to his heart and breathing sounds. His heart is distressed and the breathing sounds on his left side is abnormal. It takes me less than a minute to put two and two together. "Hey Jordan!" I call. She rushes into the curtain and her eyes dart from Drew to the heart monitor. "What happened? What are his injuries?" She asks.

"I have a reason to believe that Drew has multiple broken ribs that are applying pressure on his lungs and enabling him to breathe. I also have reason to believe that said broken ribs has ruptured his spleen and caused some internal bleeding. He needs to go to the OR fast because if he become tachycardic, we could not give him CPR because the ribs could penetrate his heart and he could die. So we have to move him fast." I say all in one breath.

She freezes as she processes what I just said. "Go now! To the OR before he becomes tachycardic! I can hold down the fort here." I snap. "Okay, Okay. Kenny help me out here,please." Jordan says. "And Jordan," "Yeah," she calls over her shoulder. "Get Scott on this, I want every chance he has to live." "I'm on it," "Save him, Jordan, please." I say emotionally. "I will," She says before piling into the elevator with Drew and Kenny. "Incoming!" The paramedics say before wheeling in five more patients.

"Whoa, hey! We are nearly reaching our full capacity of fatal patients. For now! Take any more patients to St. John's or any other medical care center near here. We'll call you and let you know if there is any more available slots, Alright?" I tell the paramedic.

They both nod in understanding before rushing out of hospital. "Mollie, clear out the waiting room please. And everybody who is able, call any family members or friends that are doctors and call them here. We need as many hands as we can get. Y'all got it?" I say loud enough for them all to hear me.

"Got it," I hear them say. "Good," I say. "Where's Topher and TC when you need them." I add before I make my way to a patient. "Seems to me that you have everything under control. I'm proud of you, girl." Mollie says.


I was in the middle of during a post op of surgery for one of my patients when Jordan steps in to say, "Doctor Y/L/N, can I talk with you outside please?" I comply and once I close the door, she sighs deeply before saying, "He's gone, Y/N. I'm sorry." "How long?" Was I could managed to squeal out. "Hm?"

"How long ago was he declared dead?" I repeat. "Ten minutes," "Where is he?" "Y/N, please don't do this to yourself." "Where is he, Jordan?" "OR three," I rush passed her and up the stairs into OR three. "Y/N, I am so-" "I'm scrubbing in, I'm going to try something." I interrupt.

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