I Have An Idea (A Leonard Snart Imagine)

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"Are you sure about this Y/N West, chick?" Sara asks. "Yes, she has more knowledge about energy manipulation than anyone I have ever seen." "What, is she an scientist or something?" Ray asks. "Nope," Snart starts. "She's a model," He adds before leaving the room.

The teammates talk amongst each other before looking to Mick. "What?" He states. "Have you met her?" "I have. She throws a mean left hook." Mick explains. "You've fought her? Isn't she a model?" Sara asks. "Your sister is a lawyer by day and vigilante by night. You should know more than anyone, not to judge someone by their cover." Mick states before taking a  sip of his beer.

She sighs deeply and takes his beer away from him to take a swig. "Hey!" Mick exclaims.

Truth is, Snart has been having nightmares about a speedster killing Y/N. It's been rattling through his mind for months. And when they travelled to Central City in 2018, Snart saw Y/N at Jitters. He was far enough away for her not to notice him.

He hurt her when he left for DC Legends, but she gave him her blessing because she knew that he was going to be a part of something bigger. He didn't want to reopen that wound again. But now, he has no choice but the contact her.


Y/N was just leaving her photo shoot when she felt like she was being stared at. She looked around and saw no one. That was because the team was looking at her from the ship, which was invisible. "Wow, she's.." Sara trails off. "Hot," Mick and Ray say, earning a glare from Snart.

"I'll bring her in," Snart says. "Take your time," Sara teases. Snart rolls his eyes and leaves the ship without his cold gun. He follows Y/N to her house and just went Y/N felt that he was close enough, she grabbed Snart's shirt and slams him against her car. "You have terrible following skills,"

She looks into his baby blue eyes and pulls away from him with a gasp. "Snart?" "What happened to Leo?" He says with head tilt. "It's been two years, Snart. I've... I still haven't moved on, but that doesn't mean that—" "That's not why I'm here, doll."

"We need your help," He adds. "Who's we?" She asks. "Us," Sara, Mick and Ray were following them, but they were invisible. She touched the kinetic energy from her hot car and blasts them clear across the street.

"Your powers have gotten stronger," Snart comments. "Ouch," Ray states as he stands up. Y/N stands in front of Snart and Snart says, "Y/N, darling, they're our friends. We need your energy expertise to tell save the time continuum." "Really?"  They all nod and she says, "Say less, imma get packed."

She walks into her house and Mick said, "Well that was easier than I thought," "Same here. Didn't appreciate getting blasted though," Ray states. "Wait, did you touch energy and convert it into her own?" Sara asks. "Yep," "That's cool,"


Rip was driving the Space rider back to Y/N's time when Y/N walks into Snart's room. She noticed that something was off about him. She would catch him staring at her, but not saying any flirty comments. "So what's up with you?" She asks as she leans against his doorway.

"Whatever do you mean," he says as he looks up from cleaning his cold gun. She takes the cold gun away from him and sits next to him. "I've seen you looking at me. But it's different than before. Did something happen?" He sighs deeply and his gaze falls to his lap.

"I've been having these dreams... about you. Bad dreams. Dreams where you are murdered by a speedster." He explains. "Leo, I'm.. I can fend for myself." "But what if a speedster goes rogue and turns on you—" "There's energy all around me, Leo. Kinetic energy. Thermal energy. Potential energy. Even solar energy. I am constantly protected."

"The dreams felt so real. The light left your eyes and there was nothing I could do to save you." "Hey, look at me." Snart meets her gaze and she adds, "I'm not going anywhere." She hops into his lap and wraps her arms around him in a hug. He pulls her closer and inhales her scent.

"Maybe.. don't go back to Y/N's place just yet." Sara says to Rip as she watches them hug. "What? Why?" "Snart, he needs her right now." "Well, I guess we can stall for another day then,"

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