B2: Chapter 1 - The First Day of School - I

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Part IV

In Plain Sight

  On a park bench somewhere in British Columbia, a god and his erstwhile lover were having an argument.

  "You don't think they deserve to know?"

  "That just seems dangerous without any real benefit. I'm trying to keep everything going, and how am I going to do that if we're still dealing with people?"

  "We're just supposed to cut off contact with the whole world?"

  "It's safer for us both. We talked about this. Trust me, I know what I'm doing. This is why we put everything in place."

  "This isn't something covered by the rules. We could still keep in contact with them."

  "That sort of information is dangerous."

  "I thought you were totally in favor of freedom of information."

  "Freedom of information and actually informing people are completely different things. You wouldn't advocate we reveal state military strategy to a foreign power, would you? After the fact, maybe—but when we're facing real danger, we have to weigh our ideals against the needs of the present. Any information that could lead to the immediate death of people for no real benefit has a time and place to be released. This definitely isn't it."

  "Seems like a strawman. We're not a military."

  "Is it so different? I'm not invincible. His death should have made that obvious. We're like a foreign state, or at least foreign actors inside their state. If they came for us, it could only end two ways. Either I'd be forced to hurt them, or they'd take us. You know they'll be trying to find us, and there's only so much I can do to protect you."

  "Don't make this about me."

  "It's about all of us. Information will leak out, like it always does. But it'll be mixed and confused. People will leap on it before they understand what it is they're seeing. Everyone will just think about it from their own perspective. The internet gave us some amazing things, but it amplifies information without regard to its accuracy. We'll be at a dangerous crossroad where the truth may not actually win out without authority. Authority comes from reputation and charisma, and the Awakened have neither. As far as the world's concerned, all of them are complete nobodies."

  "They're also presumed dead. Coming back from the dead is authority."

  "No, it's suspicion. Unless they're prepared to reveal everything, they can't explain what happened to them in that town. Nothing will ever add up without factoring in magic, something none of us can explain. I agree with their decision. Going into hiding is much safer than getting arrested and sent into a black box."

  "So they go public. Go wide with the story, so wide nobody can stamp it out."

  "They don't have enough people willing to back them up. A few people claiming something this insane can't make that large of a splash before they'd be found and shut down. They'd need access, which they don't have. If they just post it on the internet themselves, they'll be assumed fake, because again—they have no authority. If they go public, they're dead."

  "When did you get so pessimistic?"

  "When my entire world exploded around me."

  "Don't be melodramatic."

  "I'm being realistic. It literally exploded, don't forget that. And it was all for nothing. All that work we did, all the laws we put in place. They're back to square one."

  "It wasn't for nothing. The laws still stand."

  "I wish I could see things the way you do. I wish I believed that."

  "We chose the rules. Now we have to live with them."

  "But what if I could change them? The rules are flawed, because we're flawed. We were human. We couldn't account for every scenario. What if I stepped in? I could have saved some of them. Maybe all of them. It didn't have to be this way."

  "We agreed."

  "I know. But—"

  "I love you, but you need to stop second-guessing this. It's for the best. They'll figure it out eventually, one way or another. That's what humans do."

Convergence - The Last Science #2.1 - In Plain SightWhere stories live. Discover now