B2: Chapter 6 - Over the Border and Through the Woods - I

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  "Ashe, your clearance just came in!"

  Jeremy leaned out of his chair, glancing through his open door and across the bullpen to the Chief's office. "Canadians are on board?"

  "I pulled a few favors. You've got the lead. The mounties will stay out of your way til you need 'em."

  Jeremy grinned at Lani. "Want to go to B.C.?"

  His partner nodded. "It's the best lead we've had since this started. I'm in."

  Jeremy leaned back to shout at Aderholt again. "Coach?"

  "First class, motherfucker. We've still got tons of discretionary you never used. I took the liberty of spending it for you."

  Jeremy sighed. He wasn't going to turn it down, but he didn't feel like he deserved the pampered treatment. Lani looked excited though, so he went along with it. If anyone had earned it, Lani certainly had. After Jeremy had spotted the car, Lani had painstakingly traced its journey through every piece of footage they'd gathered, until it finally left their scope heading north and out of the country.

  They'd been sitting and waiting for the Canadians to give them the okay to expand their investigation into the country. Jeremy had been packed and ready in his office anticipating the call. He'd never felt so eager to pursue an investigation before, even when he was just getting started as a detective back in Seattle. Then again, he'd never had a real personal connection like this to a case before. This one was special.

  In spite of that, he still had an hour until the flight Aderholt had got them on to Vancouver. Jeremy spent the first twenty minutes pacing the office impatiently, while Lani went home to get his things. When he got bored of pacing, Jeremy sat down and went through the last piece of video they'd found. A tech team was currently going through other shots again, just in case, but all they had to go on was the car blazing down the highway in the dead of night. Jeremy had no inkling of where to start looking once he arrived in Vancouver, but damned if he was going to slack off in Seattle and let the Canadians take his case.

  What are you running from Jackie? What the hell could spook you this much? It was a sobering thought. If Jackie Nossinger, one of the strongest women he'd ever known, was fleeing the country in the middle of the night... he might have a real reason to panic.

  They hadn't spoken in years, but they'd enjoyed a solid eight as partners in the Seattle homicide division. Jackie had eventually put in for a transfer after a few particularly bad cases in a row. Jeremy hadn't wanted to deal with the new partner they'd assigned him, and finally took up the offer for a position in the Bureau. It had been a little bit political, given his family ties, but he didn't mind. The bump to the federal level meant he got to deal with way fewer bullshit cases at the end of the day, and that suited him just fine.

  "Hey Ashe?"

  Jeremy looked up. It wasn't Lani. Aderholt had come over to his office with a serious look.

  "I won't piss off the mounties," Jeremy assured him.

  "Not that. Look, man," he started, leaning back against the doorframe casually. "I get how personal this case's gotten for you—"

  Fuck you. You aren't taking this from me. "You think I need to step away?"

  To his surprise, Aderholt shook his head. "Hell no. If I was in your shoes and the chief suggested that to me, I'd slug him in the face." He looked Jeremy in the eye. "Don't forget: whoever did this killed over a hundred people and God knows how or why. And whoever they are, they aren't done. You watch your back up there."

  "Killer's still down here in Olympia," Jeremy pointed out.

  "As far as we know. Unless there were multiple killers."

  "Any luck in the forests yet?"

  He shook his head. "They found fuck-all so far. I'm going out to the site myself today."

  "You're leaving the building sir?"

  "Ha ha, fuck you." Aderholt shot him a glare. "Someone's gotta go hold the rangers' dicks so they don't piss all over themselves."

  "I'm sure they appreciate your sacrifice, sir."

  The elevator door down the hall pinged. "Just be careful, shitbird," Aderholt called over his shoulder as he returned to his office. Lani had returned with his bag, packed and ready to go. "I want Lani back in one piece."

  "And me, sir?"

  "As many fucking pieces as you like. If you happen to lose your tongue, I'll get you a goddamn medal."

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