B2: Chapter 13 - The Emerald City (Part III) - VI

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  "So whatchu been up to, Candy-girl?" Crystal asked, swishing up the spray bottle. "It's been ages."

  "I found a new life, far out of the city." Cinza smiled. "I'm legitimate now."

  "No kiddin'?" Crystal whistled. Cinza closed her eyes as she raised the bottle. "I'm happy for you."

  "Thanks. I'm just back for the night with Jenny, but she ran into Meltyface and here we are."

  "You mean you were in Seattle and you weren't gonna look me up?" Crystal made an exaggerated mocking look, spraying Cinza in the face pointedly. Cinza recoiled, and she laughed. "No worries. I wouldn't bring a girlfriend 'round this dump either if I was you."

  She took another long look at Cinza, now soaked with the mixture of water and glycerin she'd prepared. Frowning, she tugged at Cinza's shirt a little, making it lopsided and exposing more skin, particularly around the stomach, then deliberately rumpling it up. She pinched her side with a wink, dancing out of Cinza's reach.

  "Couldn't resist, you're just so sexy when you're mad. Show some more belly, girl, they love it." She turned and rounded on Natalie. "All right, Jenny, I'm guessin' you never done this before, have you?"

  Natalie shook her head, very nervous. Crystal had a very motherly way about her, but Natalie hadn't had the best experience with mothers anyway, and she didn't want Crystal getting anywhere near her. They'd only met ten minutes before, and Natalie really had a bad track record with strangers so far that night.

  "Crystal," Cinza cut in. "Let me." She took the bottle, to Natalie's relief. She knew Cinza. She could stomach being near Cinza for a bit.

  Crystal nodded. "Sorry, Candy-girl. I didn't mean to intrude."

  "It's all right. Jenny's just not one to get close to people." Cinza explained. "Actually, would you mind giving us a minute? For her sake."

  "Actually, why don't I head back out now?" Crystal suggested. "I can watch out for Meltyface, see if he splits, and it'll give you two time to recover." She grinned, leaving the room with a wave. "Next time you're around, you damn well better find me!"

  As soon as she was gone, Natalie breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you," she murmured.

  "Crystal can be a little overwhelming," Cinza agreed. "I assume you didn't want her to get close?"

  "She seems really nice..." Natalie said apologetically, not wanting Cinza to think she hated her. I can't let anyone near me. I can't let them close. Anyone could turn like he did.

  Cinza nodded. "I understand. Do you want to do this yourself?" She held up the spray bottle.

  Natalie thought about it, but wasn't sure she'd do it right. They needed to get across the place without anyone stopping them. She couldn't risk losing her bag, and everything inside it, just for the sake of being a little more comfortable. "...No, you can do it."

  She took off her jacket and laid it on the bed, then her jeans. Only the blue dress, which she'd loved so much only six hours ago, was left. Cinza held up the spray bottle, and a cloud of cold liquid sprayed out, clinging to her skin. It soaked into her dress at specific spots Cinza picked out. A bit too much in some places, and drops were starting to run down her leg, but Cinza never got too close, so Natalie endured it.

  "I don't understand," Natalie said quietly while Cinza very gently adjusted her clothes. Natalie stared at the wall and tried to ignore the pulsing desire to hurl herself away. "Why would they want me?"

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