B2: Chapter 17 - Career Path - III

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  Eric Hurwitz was way better at evading a tail than Jeremy expected.

  They'd been pursuing him through the streets from a few car lengths behind, and it became obvious pretty quickly that he'd noticed them following him. In fact, Jeremy would have sworn he'd been trained. As soon as possible, he'd gotten on the highway and taken a few aggressive weaves through traffic, using every truck he could find to try and lock Jeremy into a wall of heavy traffic. More than once, Jeremy almost missed him taking an exit, and as soon as he'd followed Hurwitz down, the man changed lanes and went right back onto the highway.

  "Man, fuck this guy," Maddie grumbled.

  "This is pretty normal. Just be glad no one's shootin' or crashin' into shit yet."

  "Was that common?"

  "No, thank God. If it was, I'd've left sooner."

  The chase continued, street by street, totally unknown to the typical Vancouver traffic. Just Hurwitz in his sedan with his bag of groceries, and Jeremy and Maddie in pursuit in Lani's much nicer and sportier car. If it were the open road, Jeremy could overtake him in an instant, but there was just too much civilian traffic in the way.

  Hurwitz is a civilian too. For now. Don't jump the gun yet.

  "He's not givin' up, is he?"

  Jeremy shook his head. "I can't actually pull him over 'cause we aren't supposed to be here, and he can't shake me. It's a goddamn stalemate."

  "Well he ain't supposed to be here either, right?"

  He felt like punching himself. "Shit, why didn't I think of that?"

  "You fuckin' said it, bro," Maddie pointed out, confused. "I'm just repeating you."

  "Yeah, but..." He shrugged. "Fuck it. Hang on."

  He gunned the engine. On the next off-ramp, he made his move. Sliding into the shoulder, they sped along past traffic, ignoring the angry onlookers, catching up with Hurwitz in a heartbeat. As soon as they got close, Jeremy flicked on the lights carefully embedded around the upper windshield of Lani's car.

  Hurwitz didn't give them any trouble. They followed him a block away and into a busy retail parking lot, parking at the far end. Jeremy got out, Maddie only a few steps behind. They approached the car, with Jeremy's hand itching towards his gun. Please don't be another fuckin' psychopath.

  He knocked on the window. It slid down.

  "Eric Hurwitz?"

  The man nodded, staring straight ahead. "Is there a problem, officer?"

  "Look at me, man."

  He did, and his eyes immediately widened in recognition.

  "Good. We can drop the fuckin' formalities."

  "I don't want any trouble," he said quickly.

  "I've been lookin' for you. We tried to contact your place of work, but they said you were on an 'unexpected sabbatical'."

  He nodded. "That's right."

  "Let me be clear. I'm not lookin' for you. I don't care about you at all. Far as I'm concerned, you tell me what I want to know and you can go home as if nothin' happened. No strings attached. Sound good?"


  "I'm lookin' for a woman named Jackie Nossinger. Heard of her?"

  Hurwitz shook his head. "No, I haven't."

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