B2: Chapter 9 - Flying Blind - III

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  As they pulled up, Hailey raised an eyebrow. "This is the place?"

  It didn't look like much, which she supposed was a point in its favor. A small corner tavern on a dead-end street, with an illegible name on the sign. Behind it loomed dark buildings in both directions, already closed up for the night or boarded up and abandoned. It wasn't exactly a bad neighborhood, but still.

  "Not the nicest part of Tacoma," she added, glancing around.

  "Is any part of Tacoma nice?"

  "Got me there."

  Alden double-checked his phone. "Yeah, this is it."

  "After you, then." Hailey gestured toward the door.

  "What's the plan?"

  "I'll be on the roof stargazing while you go in and get yourself beat up. Sound fair?"

  Alden glanced up pointedly. "It's still totally overcast."

  "Damn. Okay, guess I'm coming in then. "

  They walked in arm in arm, pretending to be a couple. Hailey managed to get Alden past the doorman with a few charming flutters of her eyelashes and a quick flash of their IDs. Boris hadn't ever sent Alden a fake one, and hers clearly didn't match her photo anymore, but the bouncer was too flustered by a sudden gust of wind blowing his hat away to pay them much attention. He waved them in while chasing his precious Seahawks cap down the street.

  "That was just cruel," said Alden, trying not to laugh.

  Hailey grinned. "Oh hush. Which one's Harold?"

  Alden scanned the bar. "Not here yet, I guess."

  "Grab a booth then. Want anything?"

  "A normal drink that won't kill me?"

  She rolled her eyes. "That part comes later. I meant like a soda or something."


  While Hailey grabbed their drinks, Alden wandered over to the corner booth by the door to the back, just as they'd been taught. He found reasons to hesitate near every group of patrons, listening into their conversations just long enough to determine if they needed to keep an eye of them. Hailey watched from the bar with approval as he subtly indicated one of the men at the window booth.

  She looked closely and saw a badge at his belt she'd missed. An off-duty cop?

  "Anything to worry about?" she asked as she joined Alden at their table.

  "Probably not, he seems preoccupied." Alden shrugged and took a sip from his glass. "Hey, check this out."

  He focused on the glass. Hailey watched eagerly, and as Alden's eyes narrowed, a solid orb of soda floated up into the air, hovering for a few seconds before falling back into the glass again.

  "Nice," she said.

  "Yeah, I know, you could do the whole thing no sweat."

  "I haven't figured out water yet actually. Makoto and I are working on it. But still, it's my affinity, and I'm cheating, remember? Don't compare the two. That was really good."

  Alden smiled. "Yeah, took me forever. Didn't help that Meg kept nagging me while I was practicing."

  Hailey raised an eyebrow. "She's really in the club now, huh?"

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