B2: Chapter 8 - Making a Difference - I

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  Hailey couldn't help feeling a little guilty dragging Rupert around the city—but every little burst of joy on Jessica's face made it totally worth his suffering.

  "How on earth do you manage to find so much rubbish to buy?" he grumbled, hoisting yet another bag onto his arm.

  "I did offer to carry them all myself," Hailey pointed out, tapping her own bag for effect.

  "You also said that was too much of a risk."

  "A real gentlema— ooh, Jess, that looks great!" Jessica had just popped up from behind a rack with an infinity scarf that matched the gorgeous blue in her hair. She put it on, and Hailey clapped her hands in delight. She gave Jessica a very exuberant thumbs up.

  "How much?" Rupert asked.

  "Oh hush. I'll pay for any of hers." Hailey grinned. "You can just stick to buying me gifts."

  Jessica sauntered over to the counter and set it down, and Hailey quickly paid before the cashier could start to ask her any questions. Jessica watched the money exchange with a passing look of disappointment, sending another tiny twinge of guilt through Hailey's stomach. Sure, she could probably remember how much each bill was worth just from the pictures, but it didn't mean much if she couldn't read the price tags anymore.

  Still, Hailey didn't regret for a second taking Jessica on this little excursion. After the panicked rush out to Natalie and the subsequent week of flying around with Alden to introduce even more newly awakened, Jessica was clearly in need of a break. Hailey felt totally ready to keep going, but she could tell that Jessica was increasingly frustrated at all the meetings with zero ability to contribute. Hailey wanted to make sure she didn't feel taken for granted, so she'd arranged a trip out with Rupert.

  Despite his complaints, Rupert looked just as pleased as she did whenever Jessica's face lit up at another store. Once again confirming he's literally the greatest boyfriend ever.

  "I wonder," he started, as they walked through the mall to the next store that caught her eye. "Has she ever been to Seattle?"

  "I don't think so." Hailey shrugged. "We never went, and she's getting so hyped up over even the touristy stuff, so I'd guess no."

  "Did she ever even make it out of Rallsburg?"

  "Not so loud," Hailey hissed.

  He winced. "Sorry."

  No one had been anywhere near them, so Hailey relaxed again. "I know she went on a couple family trips when she was little, plus going to Olympia whenever they needed to visit a real doctor. That's all she mentioned though."

  "Shame she has to experience the city like this."

  "There's plenty to do even without being able to read," Hailey said determinedly. "I'm still gonna show her a great time."

  Rupert gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Anything I can do, just say the word."

  Her plans went off without a hitch. Hailey had grown up in Seattle, so she had a list of favorite spots and hangouts already down. They visited most of them one by one. Great restaurants and stores, spots by the Sound and quiet obscure coffeeshops where Hailey had gone to do classwork. Jessica drank it all in, excited by even the smallest details.

  As they walked down the coast, Hailey and Rupert were checking out one of the vendor stalls when they realized they'd lost her. It took only a minute's panicked search to find her again, just a block away. She'd stopped to listen to a pair of street musicians, a drummer and a guitarist playing a duet.

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