B2: Chapter 7 - Identity - IV

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  Quinn returned to school on Thursday, one day later than promised. Natalie and Kelsey had joined the Glasses Gang for lunch every day since, and they were beginning to settle into a good pattern. Neither of them wore glasses, to Tyler's great consternation, but they made it work anyway.

  To Natalie's relief, Quinn integrated back into the group without skipping a beat. Natalie helped him catch up on the classwork he'd missed, and he sat down at lunch as if nothing had changed. They gave him a bit of ribbing for getting knocked out by a falling book, but he took it in stride, before quickly changing the subject back to the game.

  They hadn't even looked at Conquest once since he'd left. Tyler brought it up frequently, but Mitch and Steven really only played it casually. Tyler whined a bit about the lack of play, but Mitch and Steven, as well as Kelsey, were just as happy to spend lunch hanging out and talking. Natalie didn't mind either way, so she went with the group majority, leaving poor Tyler in the dust—until Quinn returned.

  As it turned out, Quinn was just as obsessed as Tyler, even if he didn't show it. Quinn hadn't been playing nearly as long, but he'd learned fast, and was gaining on Tyler as the best player in the group. As soon as he sat down, he pulled out the decks and started shuffling.

  "Wow, right back into it huh?" Mitch said with a tinge of regret.

  "We never finished our game," Quinn said with a wicked smile, a twinkle in his eye as he stared down Tyler.

  "Lunch is gonna end too soon," Steven pointed out. "You should save it for tonight."

  Natalie picked up her card again while Quinn began reluctantly putting everything back in his bag. Linnethea gazed back at her from atop her wolf, so self-assured and confident.

  Is that who I want to be?

  Natalie was lost in thought and didn't notice the rest of the group suddenly scattering to the winds, leaving just Quinn behind as he finished packing up. Suddenly alone, as most of the kids in the cafeteria had left for the outside to enjoy the last few days of warm weather, Natalie felt a growing anxiety in her chest. She now had one of Quinn's secrets and didn't like the feeling at all.

  As few secrets as possible, she decided.

  "They uhh..." she started, faltering before she could finish the sentence.


  "They told me!" she blurted out.

  "Told you what now?" Quinn stopped packing away the decks, looking confused.

  "They told me you... have a crush on me." Natalie tried to keep her eyes focused somewhere behind him, so he'd think she was looking at him even though she was trying to avoid seeing anything.

  "Oh." He shrugged. "Yeah, I guess I do."

  "...I just thought you should know... that I know."

  He nodded. "Thanks, I guess."

  "Okay then." Natalie shifted in her seat awkwardly, not sure what to say next.

  "Do you?" he asked.

  Her face got bright red. "Do I what?"

  "...Like me?"

  I've never even thought about anything like that... Oh god, what do I say? Yes? I don't know? I—

  Quinn shook his head. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. Don't answer."

  "Okay," she said, relieved. I kinda do though... but how do I actually say that?

  "If we're sharing secrets though," he added, and a sinking feeling sapped away the warmth from Natalie's face. "There's something I should tell you."

  Natalie felt a cold chill run down her neck, all the way down her spine. "...Tell me what?"

  "I could hear that other girl on the phone. Your phone speaker was up way too loud." He glanced around with excitement, while fear and dread began to build up pressure in Natalie's ears like an oncoming storm. Quinn dropped his voice to a whisper.

  "I know who you really are, Natalie!"

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