B2: Chapter 15 - Making Friends and Influencing People - V

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  As Jeremy drove through the suburbs, he realized just how out of place he felt in the evenly spaced, neatly trimmed neighborhoods. He'd been borrowing Lani's car ever since he'd gotten sidelined and his own vehicle had been locked down, and it was a damn sight nicer than his, but he felt weird even listening to his music. It all felt like he didn't belong there.

  Jeremy pulled up a block away from the Bensen house and stopped at the curb, watching and waiting. He'd love to stake out the place and wait until he could catch Alden unaware, but he couldn't just rely on the guy to show up. With what he knew and what he'd seen, every moment wasted felt like another tick on the clock counting down to something horrific. Jeremy wasn't sure what would happen when it struck midnight, but he knew he wanted to be ready the moment it did.

  He couldn't waste time sitting around. Time to flaunt my authority.

  Jeremy got out of the car, and nearly knocked over a boy riding a tricycle down the sidewalk. He apologized hastily to the boy's mother and hurried down the street. Great fuckin' start.

  As Jeremy approached the house, he noted that both spots in the garage were filled, as well as a bicycle leaning up against the wall. Odds were, everyone was home. Perfect.

  He checked his gun again, just in case. Between the bar and the gunman in Canada, Jeremy felt like violence might erupt anywhere at this point—particularly when he was approaching someone he knew had access to magic.

  Magic. Fuck this shit. Can I go back to my old job yet?

  He took the steps up to their porch two at a time. Ignoring the doorbell, he rapped his knuckles loud on the wooden door, audibly echoing through the front hall. He adjusted his tie and jacket quickly in the window reflection. Jeremy had gone for the full FBI 'G-man' look, with a dark suit he'd pulled out of the depths of his closet. He figured it would be the most effective on the kid's family, since he was pretty sure they weren't in on the secret.

  Leverage on top of leverage. Courtney would be proud. Bitch. Pushing his half-sister out of his mind, Jeremy knocked again.

  "Coming!" called a pleasant voice. A woman bustled into view holding a laundry basket. She stopped on seeing Jeremy waiting patiently behind the glass, and quickly set it aside. "Can I help you?"

  Jeremy winced at the burst of cold air that blew past him. Despite the quite comfortable weather, the Bensens apparently still had their air conditioning on and were accustomed to living in the Arctic. "Mrs. Julia Bensen?" he asked firmly.

  "Yes, that's me."

  "I'm Special Agent Lani Makaio with the Federal Investigation Bureau," he continued in his 'talking to civilians' voice. "I'd like to ask you a few questions."

  "Oh! I mean, yes, of course." She looked puzzled and a little frightened, which didn't surprise Jeremy in the slightest. "I'm sorry, what's this about?"

  "May I come in, ma'am?"

  "Of course." She stepped aside and gestured into the living room adjacent. "Can I offer you anything? A drink, maybe?"

  "No, thanks." As Jeremy walked in, he saw a young face laying on the upstairs floor, watching him carefully from between a set of bannisters. She immediately inched backwards out of sight as soon as his head tilted upward. "Is anyone else home?" he asked dryly.

  "My daughter Margaret, and I believe my husband is out back in the shed. Let me go get him."

  Jeremy took a seat on the couch and waited. An inquisitive cat strolled through, eyeing him as the intruder he really was, before it wandered away to find something to eat. Jeremy had the distinct impression he was being watched, which had never failed him yet. The daughter, no doubt. He wondered what hiding spot she'd managed where she could still see him.

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