B2: Chapter 5 - Rules of the Game - V

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  Natalie: hailey!

  Hailey: Hi, Natalie. What's up?

  Natalie: it went great!

  Natalie: were gonna hang out after school at the library tomorrow!

  Natalie: hes teaching me how to play their game

  Natalie: im part of the glassses gang now!

  Hailey: The glasses gang?

  Natalie: they all wear glasses so they call themselves that

  Natalie: do you think i should get glasses too

  Natalie: maybe itll be okay since steven doesnt wear them

  Hailey: How's he in the Glasses Gang then?

  Natalie: he used to

  Natalie: now he wears contacts

  Natalie: is wearing glasses annoying?

  Natalie: i feel like it would be super annoying

  Hailey: I wouldn't know. My eyes are perfect.

  Natalie: i think mine are too

  Natalie: perfect is 20/20 right?

  Hailey: Pretty much, yeah.

  Natalie: ya

  Natalie: mine are perfect too

  Hailey: Go team perfect eyes!

  Natalie: so i guess i shouldnt wear glasses

  Hailey: Probably not. But hey, one of them doesn't either so I think you'll fit right in. Just be yourself.

  Natalie: be jenny you mean

  Hailey: Well yeah. Be yourself, just not your name.

  Natalie: its ok i got it

  Hailey: I'm sure Lily's glad you're getting out of the house a bit too.

  Natalie: probably

  Hailey: You did tell her right?

  Hailey: Natalie?

  Natalie: sorry i gotta go

  Natalie: lily says dinners ready

  Natalie: good luck with your mission tonight

  Hailey: Thanks. Good luck with your friend tomorrow! Don't beat him too badly.

  Natalie: night

  Hailey: Goodnight!

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