Interlude IV - Secrets - II

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  Since that day, wherever she went, Nikki wore a necklace with a set of amethyst stones clipped onto it. It bounced against her chest as she climbed through the forest, following Joe on his latest trip for supplies. They weren't totally self-sufficient yet, but they were getting close. Very soon, these trips would be totally unnecessary.

  She was looking forward to it, since she couldn't safely leave the confines of their home. As far as they were aware, Nikki was still on quite a few watch lists related to Rallsburg. Joe, it seemed, felt otherwise.

  "I just feel like I'm gonna be the useless one around camp," he explained.

  "How are you gonna be useless? You're still strong as shit, and you can do the crop growth spell okay."

  Joe set down his bundle and leaned against the nearest tree. "Compared to the only person who can do Knowledge magic in the whole fuckin' world?"

  Nikki shrugged. "I got lucky." She glanced around. "Don't forget though, we're supposed to keep that secret. Never say it outside the boundary."

  "Yeah, yeah." Joe rubbed his face with his hands, then started stretching out. "Isn't that like, hypocritical though?"


  "Cinza's whole new schtick about being open and sharing everything. If we're sharing everything now, why wouldn't we tell people we can do Knowledge magic again?"

  "Well, I still have no clue what I'm doing," Nikki pointed out. "It's only been a week."

  "It has? Felt like way longer. You keep talking in your sleep."

  "I do?"

  "Yeah. Driving me nuts."

  She frowned. "What do I talk about?"

  "Fuck if I know. I can't understand a word of it."

  "Sorry I'm being such a burden."

  Joe's eyes widened. "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. It's not really a big deal."

  "No, really, if I'm making you uncomfortable, I'm happy to find another place to sleep. I wouldn't want to make your life difficult."

  "Nikki..." Joe started. Before he could continue, a splash of water flew between them, circling around Joe and coming back to rest in Makoto's palm. "The fuck?"

  "Show-off," Nikki added, smirking. Makoto's lip twitched, but Nikki still couldn't get him to actually laugh. He'd been standing by a tree a dozen feet away, watching them bicker. "When are you gonna teach me how to sneak up on people like that?"

  "Later." Makoto looked over his shoulder. "Rufus will be done soon."

  "The new security shit?" Joe asked.


  "So we should hurry back?"


  "Sounds good to me. Let's get going, then. You coming with?" Nikki asked.

  "I have one more section to do." He bowed slightly to her. "See you later."

  He walked past them and back into the forest. Joe watched him go, scratching his head. "The fuck is up with that guy?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "I don't get his priorities at all." He hoisted up his bundle with a grunt and started walking again. Nikki joined him, carrying a smaller bundle. "He's gotta be burning up in there."

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