B2: Chapter 8 - Making a Difference - III

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  "I think I can see his apartment from here," Hailey joked. Jessica leaned against her and gazed out over the city. "Sorry that took so long." She tapped the watch on her wrist, then put a hand on her heart, trying to look apologetic.

  Jessica rolled her eyes. She made a motion with her hands with a knowing smirk, which pulsed Hailey's cheeks bright red. It took a lot to embarrass her, but Jessica was more than capable.

  She put a hand to her ear, then pointed at Jessica, tilting her head to the side slightly.

  Jessica shrugged, smiling innocently.

  Hailey shook her head in amusement, settling back into the blanket they'd wrapped up in.

  Night had fallen completely and the city was a pool of light from atop the Space Needle. The place was still open, and tourists bustled about below them in the restaurant, or above them on the observation deck. Hailey and Jessica sat below the top deck on the disk itself, up against the wall, enjoying the view and the cool night air.

  Hailey tried to resist the chill of the wind, but she shivered as it rolled through. Immediately, Jessica began to warm up the area around them.

  "You don't have to do that, Jess," she said, adding a flip-flop hand motion with her hand. Hailey was more than happy with the balance between the cold air and the warm body next to her. Jessica shrugged, and the heat dissipated back into the air.

  Jessica pulled out her phone, unlocking it with a pattern and tapping through to her photos. After a few moments' scrolling, she came up with a photo of Dan, prompting Hailey.

  Hailey shrugged. "I haven't heard anything." She covered her ears for a moment, then drew an X in midair. She pulled out her own phone and a map of the Northwest, and drew a vague circle over the forests in B.C.

  Jessica frowned. She mimed a gun with her finger, making quick shooting motions at Dan's picture.

  Hailey made a cutting motion with her hand, then pointed at her own brain. "As far as I know."

  Jessica made as if she were reading a newspaper, widening her eyes in shock for a moment.

  Hailey nodded. She pulled up a recent news story that showed Dan and Boris' international wanted pictures.

  Jessica shook her head in dismay and put away her phone, snuggling back up to Hailey's side. She made another gesture, which Hailey didn't quite understand. Something with waving clenched fists in midair.


  She frowned, and raised her hands again. An image appeared in midair—a crude likeness, but it was enough to make out the drummer from that afternoon.

  Hailey raised her eyebrows. Oh. So she... don't jump to conclusions, Hales. She turned to Jessica, questioning.

  Jessica nodded. She pointed at the image, then herself. Her face grew pink, and she looked away again, dismissing the magic in a puff of light.

  Hailey grinned and hugged her tight, wrapping the blanket around them both. Message received, Jess. As soon as she figured out how to go about it, Jessica would definitely get another chance to meet her.

  She relaxed, laying back against the wall, watching the city move about and wondering what to do for the rest of the night—and something caught her eye, much further way. She doubted anyone else could see it, but Hailey had gotten used to switching in and out of enhancing her eyes on a whim. She'd had so much practice that it had become instinctive to murmur the spell whenever she spotted something she couldn't make out.

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