B2: Chapter 17 - Career Path - V

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  The place was totally unremarkable, which didn't surprise Jeremy in the slightest. A modest one-story home with a garage. No front yard, though, just a odd rock garden in front of a walkway leading up to the door. Easier to take care of, he guessed. They couldn't risk being outside too frequently, and the trips to the pharmacy were bad enough.

  Obviously, since that's how I caught him, Jeremy mused. "After you," he added aloud.

  Hurwitz gulped and nodded. He pulled up to the curb, turned off the car and got out. Jeremy picked up the bag of medicine. Anythin' to appear less threatening. He followed Hurwitz up the driveway to the front step, where they stopped.

  "No trouble," he repeated weakly.

  Jeremy nodded. "No trouble. We're just gonna talk."

  He nodded again, digging through his jacket pocket. After a moment, he came up with a house key, which he fumbled into the lock.

  The place was sparsely decorated, but it was clear someone had tried to turn it into a new home. There were pictures on the walls, and touches of personality throughout, but it was clear that the place just hadn't been lived in that long. Nothing was settled into its spot. It didn't have the natural mess and clutter of a real home. They'd been forced here, and it was painfully obvious even to an outsider like Jeremy, who hadn't lived with a real family since he was young.

  "In the back, Dad!" called a voice. Female, young, strong, confident. Must be Rachel. Without waiting to be prompted, Jeremy started down the hall to the open door. He turned the corner and stopped, staring into the room and a group of people that clearly wanted nothing to do with him.

  The room was dominated by a full-sized motorized hospital bed, with an occupant that could only be Will Carbonell. Compared to the hospital photos, the bruises had faded, but he certainly didn't look to be walking any time soon. His head lolled over as Jeremy walked in, and his eyes widened in surprise. Rachel and her mother, both tall brunettes, flanked the bed. Jeremy opened his mouth to speak, but Rachel beat him to the punch.

  "Jeremy Ashe," she stated. Jeremy looked past Will to the girl sitting at his bedside. Her hair was tied back rather than the sheets of straight brown he was used to seeing in her photos, but she looked mostly the same otherwise.

  Less familiar to him were the twin fireballs that burst into life on either side of her head, flickering ominously. By now, he knew they were very real.

  He froze in place. "I'm alone," he said, slowly lifting his hands into the air.

  "Then you're an idiot," said Rachel. Her mother shot her a disapproving look, but Rachel ignored her.

  She got to her feet. In spite of himself, Jeremy was intimidated. He'd known she was tall, but this was ridiculous. He wasn't exactly the tallest guy around, but at five foot ten, he could walk into a crowd and usually not feel too outclassed. In front of Rachel, he found himself looking up. She held a good eight inches on him at least. Rachel was taller than him, taller than even her own father.

  Jeremy noticed as she walked around the bed that her clothes didn't fit very well, before his eyes were drawn right back to the fireball floating above her hand. She stood a few feet away, staring him down.

  Her eyes flicked to the bag in his hand. "Where's Dad?"

  "I'm here," Hurwitz called, finally appearing at the doorway behind him. Jeremy didn't dare move.

  Jeremy held out the bag very slowly. "I just want to talk."

  Andrea got up and snatched the bag out of his hand, pulling out a bottle and hurrying to the bedside. Will was still watching Jeremy with a curious look, though he hadn't yet said anything. The room was clearly dominated by Rachel, and aimed to stay that way unless he did something about it.

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