B2: Chapter 15 - Making Friends and Influencing People - III

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  Jeremy stuck around after the show, watching the Marvelous Mr. Hudson finish up his act. The finale was a show of fire-breathing and levitation, with the titular Hudson looking like he might pass out from the strain. As the final applause sounded and the curtains drew closed, Jeremy flagged down someone who looked like library staff.

  "Excuse me."

  "May I help you?"

  Oh thank God, she doesn't recognize me from TV. "I'm interested in interviewing Mr. Hudson for a light story, and I was wondering if you could let him know for me."

  The staffer brightened up considerably. "Oh, certainly! I'll make sure he hears before he leaves."

  "I'd be happy to talk to him myself. I wouldn't want to trouble you."

  She frowned. "Oh, all right. Just head up through the side door by the stage there. It's not a big place, you should be able to find him."


  Finding the kid wasn't the problem, as it turned out. As soon as Jeremy came around the corner to the backstage, there he was—still sitting on the stool from his finale, munching through an energy bar and wiping sweat from his brow. As soon as he looked up—deer in motherfuckin' headlights.

  Jeremy started to raise his hands, but it didn't make a difference. Hudson bolted. The stool went flying. Goddammit.

  He took off after the kid, but Hudson still had some tricks left apparently. The fog bank from the opener swirled back in, as thick as ever. Jeremy had seen enough of the room to remember where the back exit was, and he doubted the kid would have the presence of mind to stay put and hide.

  As they both emerged out into the sunlight behind the library, Jeremy leapt. He tackled Hudson to the grass.

  "Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't— They approached me— Please don't hurt me."

  Oh man, he's really just a kid. "I'm not gonna hurt you, kid," Jeremy growled. "If I let you up, you'll stay put?"

  Hudson nodded frantically. "Right here."

  Jeremy sat back against the wall. "Should've hid in the fog."


  "Nevermind." Jeremy paused. "What d'you mean they approached you?"

  "I... wait, you don't know?"

  "Know what?"

  Hudson shook his head. "Nothing."

  "Kid, do you know who I am?"

  "...Agent Jeremy Ashe, right?"

  "Good. So I'm a federal fuckin' agent. Which means lying to me is a very bad idea."

  He gulped audibly. "Breaking my promise is a really bad idea too."

  Jeremy shook his head. "You had one of them in your crowd today. He was scopin' you out."

  "One of who?"

  "You hear about the shit that went down at the bar last week? Hostage situation?"

  Hudson nodded slowly.

  "Fuck me, you knew about that and you still put on a damn magic show?"

  "The show must go on," he said, with a hint of flair.

  Fuckin' looney theater kids. "Well Mr. Wizard, if you don't want to end up on a slab, your best bet is to start cooperatin'. I'm the best friend you got right now."

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