B2: Chapter 5 - Rules of the Game - III

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  Natalie: hey hailey?

  Hailey: Hey, Natalie! What's up?

  Natalie: who are all the new people

  Hailey: Did you see the post from Cinza? Here -

  Natalie: she writes too much

  Natalie: i got lost

  Hailey: They're new awakened. People not from Rallsburg.

  Natalie: o

  Natalie: so thats why my name changes when im in that board?

  Hailey: Yeah. So out there you're not Natalie, okay?

  Natalie: ok

  Natalie: can i ask you something?

  Hailey: Of course! What is it?

  Natalie: there's a boy in class who wants to be friends

  Natalie: but i dunno if i should

  Natalie: hes nice but

  Hailey: But what?

  Hailey: Natalie?

  Natalie: sorry

  Natalie: someone walking by and i hid it

  Hailey: Are you at school?

  Natalie: ya

  Natalie: tech class

  Natalie: and i cant use my phone

  Natalie: cuz they block it while youre inside

  Hailey: Natalie, you shouldn't be logging in from school. Those computers might not be safe.

  Natalie: what do you mean

  Hailey: Cinza said they usually record everything. They'll know you're visiting this site.

  Natalie: i thought it looks like a gaming forum to everybody else

  Hailey: Yes, but just in case.

  Natalie: ok

  Natalie: im sorry

  Hailey: <Natalie> hes nice but - ?

  Natalie: o

  Natalie: i dont know

  Natalie: should i be making friends out here?

  Natalie: i thought were in hiding

  Hailey: That doesn't mean you can't make friends!

  Hailey: What's he like?

  Natalie: he was my guide in first week

  Natalie: hes kinda funny

  Natalie: but really nice

  Natalie: he plays a card game with his friends every day at lunch though

  Natalie: everyone thinks theyre a bunch of nerds

  Hailey: Can I let you in on a little secret?

  Natalie: ?

  Hailey: I'm a huge nerd too.

  Natalie: no you arent

  Natalie: youre too pretty to be a nerd

  Hailey: Straight-A student, Natalie. I had the highest GPA at my high school and in Rallsburg.

  Natalie: gpa?

  Hailey: Grade point average.

  Natalie: no way you were the smartest

  Hailey: Hey! Smart people can be fun too.

  Hailey: Give them a shot. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. You'll find other friends.

  Natalie: will they think im weird if i just walk up and sit down?

  Hailey: Time for another secret. Don't be afraid to break the rules a little. They really want you to join them, but they're never gonna ask you themselves.

  Natalie: they kinda did all ready

  Hailey: Oh! Well then, what do you have to lose?

  Natalie: ok

  Natalie: thanks hailey

  Hailey: I wish I could see you. Sorry I can't come by.

  Natalie: me too

  Hailey: How long do you have left in class?

  Natalie: a couple minutes

  Natalie: why

  Hailey: I was going to ask Alden if he wanted to say hi.

  Natalie: o

  Natalie: sorry

  Natalie: tell him i said hi

  Hailey: Good luck with school! I'll have my phone on me. Message me if you need to talk, any time.

  Natalie: ok

  Natalie: bye hailey

  Hailey: Bye Natalie! Love you!

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