B2: Chapter 14 - Finding Family - V

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  To say Stephanie was shocked upon seeing her daughter fly in through the office window was an dramatic understatement. Her mother didn't speak for a solid five minutes, during which Hailey and Jessica set about cleaning up the mess they'd made blowing papers and small objects around the room. Once they'd finished, Hailey finally sat down in one of the guest chairs. Jessica, not knowing the rules of the house, crossed the line and sat down in Stephanie's expensive office chair on the other side of the desk.

  This, finally, prompted Stephanie to open her mouth—but only a second later, she'd closed it again, as Jessica floated a glass ornament off of a side table through the air and into her hands, examining it with interest.

  Hailey looked up at her mother sheepishly. "So... yeah."

  Stephanie fell back against the windowsill and nearly fell out of the open window. With a wince, Jessica murmured and flicked her finger up, sliding the window shut. Stephanie watched it close, her mouth opening and closing several more times in shock, before she finally croaked out a sentence.

  "Hailey, who is that?"

  Something about the uncertainty and fear in her voice made Hailey feel awful. Her mom was always the smartest and most confident person in any given room, but for once, she was speechless and hopelessly outclassed.

  "This is Jess."

  "Just Jess?"

  "Jessica Silverdale. She's my... well she was my best friend until a few minutes ago," she added, shooting a dark look at Jessica, who was now examining the nameplate on her mother's desk, trying desperately to read the name Stephanie Claire Beatrice Winscombe engraved in shiny gold letters on black. She'd never manage it, of course, but she never stopped trying.

  "How can she do those things?"


  "She can fly, Hailey!"

  "Oh... that was me, actually."

  Stephanie was struck dumb again for a full minute. Hailey wasn't sure what to say, since her mother usually dominated conversations. Hailey's job was to respond, not to drive the topic. If it had been her dad, maybe she'd be having an easier time, but this was awkward on too many levels.

  "...You can fly?" Stephanie whispered.

  "Yes. I can do a lot of other things too." Hailey summoned up a flicker of candlelight in her palm with a word, letting it dance for a few seconds before snuffing it out. "It's been a really long year."

  "What... How..."

  "I missed you, Mom," she whispered.

  This, finally, prompted Stephanie to cry, which was a sight Hailey had never witnessed and never expected. Her mom rushed to hug her once again, while Jessica watched with a vague interest. As Hailey glanced over, Jessica pointed at Hailey, then pointed at her mother with her other hand. She kept pointing at Hailey, while her other hand drew a line horizontally, waited, then drew a line vertically from Hailey. She tilted her head questioningly.

  Hailey rolled her eyes. "My mother, thanks," she replied, drawing a vertical line. Jessica smirked.


  "Oh, sorry." Hailey broke the hug. "Jess thought you might be my older sister."

  Stephanie choked out a laugh. She looked over her shoulder at Jessica. "That's very sweet of you. I had her young, but I'm definitely her mother."

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