B2: Chapter 3 - Chasing Ghosts - II

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  Jeremy saw her sprinting down the sidewalk at the opposite end of the street and made a final blitz for the door. They both reached it at about the same time, and Jeremy slapped it. "I win," he huffed.

  "As if," Maddie shot back. "Luke, tell 'im."

  Luke, the proprietor of the small grill, just rolled his eyes. "How about we call it a draw and I charge you both what you order."

  Maddie grinned. "You know, you just don't get that sort of straight compromise in my line of work anymore. Sound good, Jeremy?"

  "Fine," Jeremy said, still catching his breath.

  "Come on, you can't be that beat. Don't they make you stay in shape in the FBI?"

  "I'm forty two and not getting any younger." Jeremy stretched out his legs, definitely feeling the consequences of mostly working a desk for the past six months. "Give me some slack."

  "Whatever." Maddie handed her card to Luke. "I'll buy. Jere-bear needs some real food to keep up with his big sister. The usual, please. Is our table open?"

  "Reserved it for you," Luke replied with a crooked smile.

  "Luke you rascal, you spied on my calendar didn't you?" Maddie said in mock-outrage. "Is nothing sacred anymore?"

  "I keep up with my best customers, miss." Luke turned and walked back through to the kitchen, tossing a towel back on his shoulder as he went. "And my favorite senators."

  She laughed. "Thanks, Luke."

  Two healthy servings of grilled pork later and Maddie was leaning back in her chair with a satisfied smile. "Perfecto."

  "So why aren't you in D.C.?" Jeremy asked, stirring the ice around in his water idly. "Isn't this an election year?"

  "It's always a goddamn election year," Maddie replied cheerfully. "I wanted to come home for a bit. See how you were doing."

  Jeremy saw right through the lie. "Like hell you did. You here for the devil's blessing?"

  "A woman can't multitask?" Maddie shrugged. "I don't need her endorsement to win. If anything, she needs mine now. The polls love me."

  "A Democratic senator in Washington is beloved by her people. What a stunnin' development."

  "Forty years ago my election would have been very unlikely."

  "Forty years ago you were just out of diapers and I was biting everyone I met." Jeremy shrugged. "People change."

  "Not all of them," Maddie sighed. "Maybe not enough of them, either."

  "So fuck 'em."

  "That's a lot of goddamn people," she shot back. "I'm supposed to represent them all, and do it without becoming a corrupt bitch-ass senator like everyone else. You know how many fucking lobbyists have tried to buy me off in the last five years?"

  "Yes. You've called me after every single one."

  Maddie laughed. "Not all of them, or you'd never have a moment of silence. A lot of 'em get handled by my staff. Those are just the ones who pay enough to get my personal number."

  "Must be nice to have a staff."

  "What, Lani isn't your staff?" Her eyes twinkled.

  Jeremy shook his head. "He's my partner, and a damn good one."

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