B2: Chapter 14 - Finding Family - VI

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  Jessica had eggs in a pan when they walked in. She waved at them as Hailey took a seat and Stephanie instinctively went to pour a glass of orange juice for the both of them. Only a moment's hesitation, and she poured a third glass for Jessica.

  The rest of the morning was spent in a much happier state. To Hailey's relief, her mother took to communicating with Jessica with ease, and within minutes they were signing whole conversations back and forth. Jessica served up the eggs a minute later, scrambled, soft, salted and peppered just as Hailey loved them.

  "Delicious," Stephanie said approvingly, giving Jessica a thumbs-up. "I'd swear I made these. You gave her my recipe, didn't you?"

  "It's not exactly hard to make scrambled eggs, Mom."

  "It is to do it right."

  "Well, to be fair, Jess cheats a little."


  "She doesn't use the stove. She heats them using magic. Always the right temperature, perfectly even."

  "That's a neat trick." Stephanie grinned. "So, you didn't mention before. How did this all happen? Or were you always magical and I was too clueless to notice?"

  "No. It happened in Rallsburg."

  "I assumed so. There's no way you could keep a secret from me under my own roof."

  "Don't bet on it," Hailey grumbled.

  Before Hailey could start to explain, there was a knock at the door. Stephanie stood up very suddenly, pressing a finger to her lips. Hailey glanced over at Jessica and pressed a hand to her ear. Jessica nodded, then went back to her eggs.

  "Mom, no one can hear us outside of this room, no matter how loud."


  "Yes. Jess cast it as soon as we got here."

  "Okay." Stephanie glanced at the door again. "I was supposed to meet my assistant here this morning."


  "How did you... nevermind. He's not going to go away, he's too good of an assistant for that." Stephanie shook her head. "You have to leave."

  Hailey glanced at Jessica, then ran her flat hand down across her face. Jessica grinned.

  In the blink of an eye, they vanished.

  "...Hailey?" Stephanie whispered, glancing around nervously.

  "Still here, Mom. Just invisible." Hailey tapped her mother on the shoulder, making her jump from fright.

  "God, Hailey. That was unnecessary," she muttered.

  "Sorry." They faded back in again, to a relieved sigh from Stephanie—and another insistent knock at the door.

  "Miss Winscombe?" he called through the solid wood.

  "I'm so sorr—" she started, but Hailey cut her off.

  "I'll see you later tonight, okay?" Stephanie nodded, and tears were starting to form in her eyes. Hailey shook her head. "No crying, Mom. It's a totally normal day, remember? You went for your workout and nothing else happened."

  "Right." Stephanie took a deep breath, dabbing at her eyes with a napkin. "Well, go on. Get out of here. I'll be home by eight."

  With one last, quick look around the place, Hailey and Jessica went back into the office, slid the window open, and left the way they'd come in. Jessica kept shooting the occasional knowing grin toward Hailey, and after the third or fourth time, Hailey finally returned it. She hugged her best friend tight, trying to express the sheer gratitude she felt. So much of her stress and fear had evaporated, simply by being able to talk to her mother again, tell her everything and get some of the weight off her chest.

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