B2: Chapter 5 - Rules of the Game - VI

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  Natalie decided that absolutely nothing would happen the next day at school. Nothing at all could get in the way of her having a good day after school. She hadn't had a terror attack since the first few days, before she'd gotten used to the huge crowds everywhere. She still hadn't told Lily or Kendra about those, but she'd talked about it with Hailey, and Hailey said it was a pretty normal thing for what they'd all gone through. Talking with Hailey helped her a lot.

  She made it all the way to science class in fifth period before something went wrong.

  The teacher brought out a small Bunsen burner and ignited it. Natalie leaned forward, excited. She'd always loved watching candles and other little flames dancing and burning in place, and that interest had doubled over when she'd awakened and learned how to control fire herself. Fire was one of her specialities, even though it was outside her affinity. Cinza was surprised how well she could control it, which only made Natalie more excited. It was one of those things that made her special, like her animal friends or how she was one of the special awakened like Hailey and Hector.

  She wondered where Hector was now. They'd talked a couple times since he'd left for Canada, but she didn't get much out of text from him like she did from Hailey. Hector just didn't talk very well over the internet. She missed him a lot. He'd always been friendly, given her free candy out of his store, played hide and seek with her when she was little, and watched out for her when her dad couldn't. He was what she imagined a friendly uncle would be like. She'd never known anyone in her own family past her mom and dad, so Hector had been her first replacement family member.

  She'd had a lot of replacement family members.

  Natalie was so lost in thought and memories that she completely missed what the actual experiment was about. Her eyes glazed over staring at the flame pouring out of the burner, thinking back to days spent running around Rallsburg with Jenny.

  Remembering what had happened to her.

  Natalie's fist clenched underneath her desk. She hadn't forgotten why she was out here, living with a fake name in a huge crowded school in a noisy, angry city. Two horrible evil men had forced them out here. One of them was dead.

  The other was her father.

  A shout of alarm brought her to her senses. Natalie stood up instantly, sensing danger but not knowing what it might be yet.

  Her teacher's arm was on fire.

  Natalie felt like the world had dropped into slow motion. The rest of the class was still seated, mouths wide open. A few looked like they were about to scream. No one else had moved yet. The teacher was staring at the flame billowing up his clothes wide-eyed, but there wasn't a fire extinguisher in reach. Natalie tried to think what else they could use, but she didn't know what was good for putting out fires.

  She did the only thing she could think of. Natalie ran forward from her desk to the teacher's side. He was a bit shorter than average, so she didn't have to reach too far, but he was twisting away and reaching for something on the desk nearby. Natalie focused on the fire with her mind, feeling the churning heat and the way it seemed to be constantly moving in circles inside itself. She started to press on it, suppressing and choking it away—but what if everyone else saw? What would happen if the fire just put itself out?

  With her hands, she grabbed the part of his arm that was on fire. The flames started to lick at her palms, but Natalie pushed them away before they could actually do any harm. As her hands closed around his sleeve, she smothered the fire completely with a whispered spell, reducing it to a tiny wisp of smoke trailing into the air.

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