B2: Chapter 9 - Flying Blind - IV

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  They were ushered into the backroom and forced inside at gunpoint. A man with a sawed off shotgun stood by the door entrance, waving it around threateningly. Hailey thought he looked a bit silly. The weapon he held was anything but.

  She kept a close eye on it as it moved, but he looked a bit uneasy. Maybe he isn't totally committed to this. If she could pick out which of the men weren't on board, she'd narrow down her first target more easily.

  The men started to carry out their plan and her hopes were dashed into dust.

  "You!" the leader shouted, pointed at a random person in the crowd. A young woman, maybe only a couple years older than Hailey. She stepped forward, looking like she might burst into tears. "Forward."

  "Please don't hurt me," she begged, walking toward them slowly.

  He gestured for her to stop, which she did on a dime. He stared at her for more than a minute, the eyes in his black mask twitching slightly. With the guns trained on them and the general air of fear and confusion, it felt like an eternity. "Okay. You're fine." He waved at the door. "Don't try to leave."

  She didn't understand, rooted to the spot.

  "Go into the next room," he said again, his voice harsh but firm.

  "Go," Hailey hissed. She looked around, startled, and Hailey gave her a little wave forward. Just work with them, it'll go quicker.

  The young woman finally went through. The leader nodded at Hailey with approval.

  He's being friendly? Who are these guys?

  "Thank you. If you all cooperate, we'll get through this more quickly." He called forward another person, and after a moment's inspection, waved the young man through.

  What the hell is going on? Hailey looked around at the crowd, but despite the sudden cordiality of the leader, the rest of her fellow captives were still quite petrified. Alden, too, was frozen in place.

  "You!" the leader shouted again, pointing at a middle-aged man—the one Alden had identified as Harold.

  He stepped forward. The man looked at him as well, like he were being inspected. What is he doing? Hailey had a sudden inspiration, and forced her vision to shift into the view she'd been practicing, drawing energy out with a whispered spell and sending it into her brain. She couldn't get much, but just from the brief interaction she'd already formed a hazy and vague relationship with the leader. She could trace a relationship to him, and try to follow it further with a lot of effort and concentration. It was slow going, as she had to keep as still as possible so they wouldn't notice her in the back.

  One clue stood out. As the leader inspected Harold, there was a strong line drawn between him and an object in his pocket.

  The man waved Harold forward, but the line didn't go away. Harold breathed a sigh of relief, taking a step into the doorway. Hailey was confused. What are they looking for?

  As Harold stepped into the threshold, the leader raised his pistol and shot Harold through the head.

  Quite a few people screamed. Harold collapsed to the floor. Dead.

  Hailey froze. She'd never actually heard a gunshot up close before. It was deafening, especially in the confined space of the bar's back storage room. She clapped her hands to her head involuntarily, her ears ringing.

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