B2: Chapter 13 - The Emerald City (Part III) - VIII

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  Exiting the market turned out to be much more simple than entering it. They just walked back out the way they came in. Cinza handed a small handful of bills (rumpled and folded a few times "for authenticity") to the new man at the gate, who waved them out with a bored expression. Natalie was finally able to put her jacket back on and stop keeping herself warm with magic, releasing one minor strain on her mind.

  According to Cinza's phone, it was now a little past three in the morning. It still looked just as dark as midnight, but according to Cinza the first buses would start running in an hour or two. Natalie felt like her legs were going to collapse, but she didn't want to complain to Cinza after everything the older girl had done for her that night.

  Cinza, however, seemed just as tired as she was, and found a place for them to rest in no time. It was a makeshift shelter, another area for the homeless set underneath a natural awning created by the intersection of a few balconies and railways far overhead. A few tents were set out in the concrete alley, with small groups of people huddled in sleeping bags around small fires. There were a couple dozen people around them as they walked through, but no one paid them any notice.

  "Hey, Nina. Been a while," mumbled an old, bearded man reclining in a low chair as they walked by.

  "Hey, Bill. Just staying one night," Cinza murmured back. He nodded. As soon as they passed, he went back to a book he was reading, glancing up occasionally to watch for newcomers.

  "Nina?" Natalie asked in a whisper.

  "Another life," she whispered back. "Come on." Cinza lead them to a dark corner where they wouldn't be bothered.

  Cinza pulled out her phone to check for messages, which gave Natalie an idea. "Can we call for a ride or something?"

  "I could send a message, but no one would receive it until they logged in. Our server doesn't support push notifications yet." Cinza sighed. "I could call someone directly, but I don't know what happened last night. I don't want to put anyone at unnecessary risk."

  "Oh." Natalie nodded. "That makes sense."

  "We'll wait until the buses are running and take them home. Is that all right?"

  I want to get out of this city... "...Okay."

  Cinza stifled a yawn as she stretched out, laying back against the concrete with her hands as a makeshift pillow.

  "Isn't that uncomfortable?"

  "You get used to it."

  "How do you do it?"

  One of Cinza's eyes cracked open, looking at Natalie with surprise. "How do I do what?"

  "Keep everything separate. All these different lives. No one knows anything about any of this, do they?"

  "No. Not even Ruby."

  Natalie shook her head. "I wish I could do that. I can't even keep magic a secret."

  "...What do you mean?"

  She hesitated, but Cinza was obviously the best at this sort of thing. And after tonight, Natalie felt like she could tentatively call her a friend. She spilled out the whole story with Quinn, how she'd accidentally revealed magic to him, knocked him out, how he'd found out her real name. She kept Rupert a secret for Hailey, but the rest was as honest as she could manage. Even Quinn's romantic feelings toward her, and her own confused feelings in return. Cinza was smart and knew about this sort of thing. She'd know what to do.

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