Chapter 5

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I shut the front door of our home but I couldn't hear the telle, I'm sure I left it on before I left. I rushed into the living room to check but paused in my tracks as I saw Calvin sitting on the sofa staring at the grey wallpaper wall, well that explains why the television was off.

He looked like he hasn't slept but then again, he looked like that alot lately so I couldn't really be sure if he did sleep or not.

"Hey," I whispered before clearing my throat.

His vision stayed on the wall, he didn't even blink at my presence. "I'm going to go food shopping, wanna come?" I walked over to the sofa before taking a seat next to him.

"No," his rough voice surrounding our living room walls.

Make the first step Millie!

I swallowed back the anxiety I was beginning to feel as I placed my warm hand onto of Calvin's. He was still emotionless, but didn't move his hand away so that's a good sign right?

"Well, we could go out, I'm guessing you don't have work today, so lunch maybe?" My voice trying to sound cheery, something I definitely wasn't feeling on the inside.

The only thing that lingered around in the air after I asked him that question was silence. He really couldn't answer me back?

He just staring at that damn fucking wall!

I couldn't bare being around him right now, I was trying. I wasn't sure what else to do, I needed to get out of this house. There was no way I would survive spending the next six hours around him!

I could feel the anger and frustration begin to rush through my body, I would explode if I didn't leave.

I stomp out of the living room clenching onto the handle of my beige bag. I closed the front door on the way out and ran to my car.

I drove and drove I wasn't even sure where I was but I didn't care, some times getting lost lead to the best places.
I noticed an empty field, in the middle of it was an empty bench. Perfect.

A quiet place with fresh air to try and clear the fucked up thoughts that kept screaming for my attention. I parked the car and took a slow walk towards the lonely bench.

Once I was seated I placed my bag onto my chest before breathing in the biggest breath I could manage, allowing the fresh air to fill my lungs I felt like I was being suffocated, like I was trapped in a dark, cold box isolated and alone.

I didn't have the courage to leave Calvin believe me, I've though about it numerous time the past year but I still believe the Calvin I know is in there somewhere, I couldn't give up on him because if I did the realisation would flood in that he was past the point of helping. No. He can be saved I just needed to find a way to make him listen.

I opened the lid of my emotions and felt my eyes flood with tears. I didn't stop them I was completely alone, there was no need to hide them right now.

Twenty minutes had passed, I was still seated on the bench, tears still streaming down my flushed cheeks. I sob uncontrollably letting all my feelings out. I even screamed at top of my lungs which was amazing to do, as I felt like I no longer had a voice around people.

"Millie?" My head snapped in the direction on my name being called to find Adam walking towards me.


He was wearing dark blue shorts exposing his toned legs, a black plain t-shirt and a pair of black sunglasses resting onto of his head, he wore a wide smile completing the look. It wasn't until he saw the state I was in that his smile dropped.

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