Chapter 16

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I'm standing outside Laynes class waiting for her to come out, I was excited to tell her about the new job I would be starting next week, but I knew she wouldn't share my enthusiasm at the fact she would be going breakfast and after school club.

My excitement grew even further as I could tell her about Calvin, now I knew where he finally was, when she cried tonight asking me for the thousandth time where her father is, I could finally give her a truthful answer.
I wouldn't go into detail of course, but I could feel confident in my words knowing I no longer had to lie to my children.

I stood away from the parents, as I always did and make sure to keep my eyes down, I didn't want to start conversation and eye contact was always a source for it. That was until I felt Adam approaching me, making sure he left no room inbetween us. I sucked in a sharp breath as I prepared my heart to look up at his stunning face.

He was already looking down at me, but he didn't wear that wide smile he normally wore, he took a quick peek at my face then looked towards the girls classroom, causing a sharp pain to form in my chest.

Great, now he couldn't even look at me.

So I quickly peeled my eyes away from him to look down at the ground. I could feel my begging eyes wanting to carrying on staring at his beauty.

"Millie, can we talk..." He kept his voice low so he wasnt over heard by the parents, I could hear the plead on his voice.

I continued to stare at the ground, nibbling my bottom lip. I wanted to stay mad at him but who was I kidding of course I'd say yes. I was about to open my mouth but Adam carried on speaking.

"I know I've been sending you mix signals, I just..." He let out a shaky sigh, then I felt his eyes on me so I mustered up enough courage and peeked up to him. "I miss you," he whispered.

I tried hiding the smile that wanted to spread across my face as he just confessed he missed me... me can you believe it. "I miss you too," I spoke truthfully as I continued to nibble on my bottom lip to prevent that smile from happening.

Adam let out a sigh of relief before stretching the back of his neck. "I'm glad it wasn't one sided." He chuckled before nudging me with his shoulder.

I shook my head and allowed that smile to blossom upon my face. It felt good knowing Adam and I were friends again. "Shut up," I muttered as I threw my arms around my chest.

"How have you been?" Adam pushed his hands into his front pocket of his black skinny jeans.

"Good, I actually went for a job interview this morning," I wasn't able to keep the news to myself, I'd shout it from the roof tops if I had enough balls.

It may not sound like a big deal to some people, but for me, this is big. I've wanted this for such a long time and now its finally been placed into the palm of my hands I want to make sure if stays there hidden away and safe.

"How did it go?" He asked with raised eyebrows and a small smile on his face that revealed a dimple on his left cheek.

God he was so fucking handsome it was ridiculous.

"Well, I thought I done terrible," I pointed my index finger towards him "But, they liked me, so they offered me the job." I beamed.

Within seconds I was lifted off the ground by Adam's strong arms as he squeeze my waist a little, I let out a loud squeal as his action took me by surprise, I threw my hands around his neck before peeking around us in the hope we didn't attract any of the parents attention, thankfully no one seemed bother by our actions so I focused back onto Adam who was looking down at me through his thick long eye lashes.

"Of course you did," he smiled broadly before placing me back onto the ground, I jumped away from his embrace and threw my arms around myself once again.

"Let me guess, cos I'm amazing," I giggled, I'd only been around him for five minutes and I've smiled more in them five minutes than I had all week!

"Excatly," he grinned from ear to ear as he threw his arm around my shoulder and leant closer to me, revealing his sweet smell of strawberries and mint.

"Seriously though," he beamed down at me, exposing his pearly whites, "That's amazing, congratulations."

I was beginning to feel proud of myself for finally putting myself out there and stepping out of the box I had allowed myself to be trapped in for years. "Thanks Adam,"

"We should definitely celebrate," he suggested, his hand still firmly around my shoulder.

I shook my head "We don't need to do that, honesl--"

He placed his index finger against my lips silencing me immediately. "I insist, let's take the children out for ice cream," he withdraw his finger from my lips along with his arm that was keeping my shoulder nice and warm, I missed his touch instantly, I had to stop myself from letting out a small moan.

"Ice cream, before dinner," I sounded much more shocked than I actually felt.

Adam let out a deep chuckle before shaking his head at me "Yes Millie, ice cream before dinner, don't worry I promise we won't be labelled as bad parents." He teased.

I smacked the side of his arm "Ha ha, very funny." I said as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Come on, the kids will love it, it will be like the best day ever to me. I wished my parents let me have ice cream before dinner,"

I let out a sigh of defeat before throwing my hands up in the air. "Okay, ice cream sounds great, thank you." A small giggle escaping my lips as I peeked up at him.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Hey, I can't take all the credit... I mean if it wasn't for you getting the job I wouldn't be able to offer such an awesome idea." He flashed me a playful smile.

"Your something else," I smirked.

"I'll take that as a compliment," he joked.

I carried on looking up at him feeling myself getting a little lost into those large chestnut eyes of his.

"It was," I whispered hoping he didn't hear me, but I knew he had as I watched that damn dimple appear onto his perfect sculpted face.

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