Chapter 17

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"Mummy, you have some ice cream on your cheek" Layne shouted while waving her finger in front of my face.

Oh god thanks baby girl, just shout that out for the whole restaurant to hear.

I quickly brough my fingers to my cheek trying to find the ice cream that seemed to slip my mouth, I continued to rub my cheek before looking down at Layne who was sitting next to me. "Is it gone?" I whispered.

She shrunked up her nose and shook her head, letting out a small sigh I was about to carry on hunting for that damn bit of Almond crunch before I felt Adam's finger under my chin to get my attention, I gave it to him undoubtedly looking straight into those eyes that sent me to a different world, a light chuckle escaped his lips as he took my appearance in, "let me," he whispered, hearing his deep husky voice sent a small shiver up my spine. I showed him a nod of approval, feeling his index finger brush against my blushed cheek, he brought his finger to his lips and sucked the ice cream off.

Holy shit, that was the sexiest thing I've seen in a long time, I'm pretty sure I just soaked my black laced thongs.

"Ewww, Adam that's got my mummy's germs on," Layne screeched with a shake of her head of disapproval.

I had trouble steadying my heart rate at this point, he was so close to me, those hazel eyes never leaving mine.

Adam leant closer to me, I could feel his warm breath against my exposed skin, "That tastes so much sweeter coming off you," he smirked releaving that fucking dimple again, god If we wasnt surrounded by our children and strangers right now I would happily kiss that away.

I nearly chocked on the ice cream that was yet to dissolve in my mouth, knowing my cheeks were now a deep scarlet colour I pulled away from his intense gaze to look over at Layne who was now talking to Lexie about princesses.

Thank god she didn't hear Adam say that, I would have froze on the spot trying to come up with an excuse.

"Mum," Dylan murmured with a mouth full of his Oreo bliss.

Oh jesus please say he didn't hear Adam, that would he even worse,

"Yeah baby?" I asked as I brough another spoon full of my delicious Almond crunch making sure it went straight in my mouth this time.

"So, don't be mad at me but I done something," I instantly inhaled trying not to show the fear I was beginning to feel as I had no clue was he was about to say.

"Okay," I swallowed as I continuted to look at Dylan, he placed his spoon onto the wooden table and crossed his hands together.

"So my schools having a talent show in a couple of weeks time, and I signed up for it."

I let out a sigh of relief before beaming down at my son, "Well done baby, I'm so proud of you, your going to play guitar right." I continued to smile at Dylan who was now looking down at his knotted hands, Daniel poked him in his arm. "Tell her," he whispered against Dylans ear.

Oh jesus, tell me what.

"Dylan," my spoon was now down on the table aswell so there was no distractions.

"I erm... well I... i signed you up with me," he brough his head up, his bright blue eyes looking worried and scared.

I let out a nervous laugh "What do you mean, signed me up... for what?" I asked feeling confused

"You know, a duet... me and you... I play guitar, you sing."

Oh he didn't.

How the bloody hell was I meant to get out of this one.

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