Chapter 20

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Two weeks.

Two weeks since I last spoke or seen Millie, saying I was miserable was an understatement. I missed her so much it even got to the point where I kept looking at the photo of her and the children I took from the talent show,

Pathetic I know but my body was aching for her.

This need for her took over my body, it would wake me up in the night in cold sweats as I spent the last fourteen days dreaming of her and only her.

I was being punished, I had to be.

I had met this incredible women and her two children which I adored but with a snap of the fingers they was getting taken away from me.

Two weeks Millie told me Calvin was in rehab, the minute those words left her sweet mouth I knew I needed to let her go, after all she isn't mine to keep. That though alone pains my heart but sadly it's true.

Calvin would get sober then return home to his family that I so desperately wanted to call my own.

I know between us we have four children but I didn't care I wanted Millie and in all honestly her children was the cherry on top.

Lexie and Daniel loved Layne and Dylan, and vise versa, each time we was out together it felt right.

I was complete watching each and every one of their precious faces, but unfortunately I couldn't have them, after all they was Calvin's and I'm pretty sure he'd come home to them.

He'd be a fucking fool not too.

It pained me to walk away from her in the play ground, watching the hurt written all over her beautiful face was enough for me to fall apart right infront of her but i had to do it. I had to accept the fact Calvin would he coming home and they'll sort things out.

The minute I got home I braced myself for another heart break, it helped that she wasn't around the school. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to keep up this front if we was face to face, I know i would cave in, and spill my guts up on the floor telling her how badly I've missed her and the kids.

I knew I'd beg her to pick me over him, but let's be real that wasn't fair I was being selfish, thinking about what I needed and wanted.

I just wish it was as simple as getting lost in them eyes of hers and telling her how shes simply my beginning, middle and end, how shes the person I want to spend the rest of my life beside.

Shes was enough for me.
When I told her I wanted her to be the only person on her mind I truly meant that.

I had tunnel vision when it came to her, I could see her and only her, but i knew i wasn't the only man she could see, Calvin was in the picture too and I couldn't be jealous of that, but that didn't stop the thoughs from flooding in knowing his been able to have her for eleven years!

Eleven fucking years,

He knew things about Millie that I have yet to discover, his seen the most hidden parts of her body, parts I could only imagine to be lucky enough to see, but most of all he gave her the best gift of all, there children. That always wins.

She would go back to him for the children, I knew Millie, she put her children's needs before her own. If Calvin was clean and sober then she'd hold Dylan and Layne's hand and walk straight into his open arms.

I couldn't be mad at her for that, I was just mad I came into her life far too late.

I had countless of missed calls and textes off Millie which I ignored, it was a coward way out I know and believe me I'm not proud of it but the longer I ignored her the harder it got to come clean and explain as to why, I kept reminding myself it's for the best.

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