Chapter 26

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This chapter contains adult content, it's not loads just a bit but you've been warned. Enjoy :)

It was finally friday night, I worked my arse off all week at the hospital taking as many shifts as I possibly could as Dylans birthday was coming up in a couple of weeks and I wanted to give him the best birthday I could.

I'm not really sure how i made it through the week, 12 hour shifts then coming home sorting out the children having little sleep and then off back to work I was auto pilot, a zombie walking through the days but I made it somehow... properly thanks too all the lucozade and red bull I had consumed but never less I was still alive and ready for a full weekend of doing but walk around in my pjs.

I wanted to spend the weekend with my babies as I felt like I've hardly seen them but Calvin texted me asking if the children could spend the night at his new flat. I hated the idea, despised maybe fitted better but I swore to myself I would never be the women that used her children as a weapon against there own father, so I swollowed the anger and frustration of him ruining my plans and asked the kids what they wanted to do, after all it was there decision to make.

They wanted too of course, so I packed an over night bag for them both feeling the knots beginning to form in the pit of my stomach as I spent the last hour watching there little suitcases sit by the front door feeling the anxiety swimming through my entire body.

It was a little after eight when Calvin showed up at the door, he look as tired as I felt no doubt he had spent most of his week working aswell, but I could be wrong. That was none of my business anymore what he done with his time as long as he was clean and my babies were looked after well that's all I needed to know from him.

I though it would be awkward between us after reading his letter but neither of us spoke about it. I cuddled and kissed my babies more times then I could count before watching them walk over to Calvin's Aldi.

I told him to bring them back tomorrow after dinner, he seemed fine with that arrangement I also told him if they wanted to come home at any time or wanted to speak to me just to ring me. He just nodded in agreement.

It wasnt like him to be so mute, but my mind was else where to worry about what was a matter with him.

I watched my children drive away from me, away from my safe arms and into the night with there father.

After shutting the cold breeze out I headed to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, I was in desperate need of a hot bath and my bed, I could already hear it singing my name.

"Soon," I muttered to myself like a crazy women.

I heard my phone ringing from my coat pocket, I darted to the hallway as quickly as possible as worry took over my body incase it was Dylan and Layne saying something had happened and they needed me to get them urgently. I didn't bother checking the phone before hitting the answer button and brought it up to my ear.

"Hello," I practually shouted down the phone.

"Mills, you okay?" Adam voice poured through the phone.

I let out a sigh of relief before padding my feet along the wooden floor back into the kitchen for my coffee. "Yeah, sorry.. thought it might be the kids."

"Kids? Where are they?" Adam asked sounding a little confused.

"At Calvin's, he asked to have them for the night, they wanted too so he just come and picked them up." I still felt uneasy about the situation but I needed to try and swollow the fear, Calvin was once the best father I knew, I kept telling myself he can be that again to our children.

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