Chapter 23

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Me and the kids fell through the front door at four o'clock leaving us only an hour until Adam would pick us up, thankfully I didn't need to worry about getting dinner together as we was eating out. I ordered the kids to start getting ready as I did the same.

Work had been so hectic today I didn't get a lunch break so I wasn't fussed where we was going to eat as long as it was food i was happy.

I took a quick shower and decided on wearing an oversized pink jumper and black skinny jeans, when I went out for meals I liked to finish the entire plate and I wasnt a salad women so I needed something that wouldn't make me too self conscious about my growing food belly. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and took my old flakey makeup off my face and applied a fresh later, making sure to cover up the bags that were proof of my tiredness.

It was now four, fourtyfive Dylan was currently in the bathroom applying jel to his hair, Layne was all ready wearing her favourite pink polka-dot dress, I placed a matching pink bow in her hair. She was now in her bedroom playing with her dolls house.

I quickly sprayed some 'lovely' perfume onto my clothes before heading down stairs to make a quick cup of coffee.

One hot cup of coffee later the door bell rang, I hopped to the front door feeling the excitement beginning to grow in the pit of my stomache at seeing Adam, I had missed him a little too much then I'd like to admit, the minute his warm embraced I pinned for him like a dog pines for there owner while there away.

The most sensitive parts of my body feel like there still tingling as the memory of his delicate fingers traced over my body. I smiled to myself as I brushed my finger tips against my swollen lips remembering the feeling of them against his. Magical.

I opened the door and practually gasped out loud as I traced over the figure standing infront of me, he was almost unrecognisable. I could feel my heart begin to pick up the paste, the fear beginning to explode in my body.

"Calv--Calvin!" I stuttered.

How was he here?
Did they let him leave early?
Is that even how it works, I'm not sure.

I was speechless, Adam was due to pull up at any minute and here Calvin was standing outside my house looking like his old self, he was clean shaven, a haircut and fresh clean clothes. I could smell his aftershave that surrounded him. I'd be lying if I said he didn't look handsome, because he did. His hazel eyes scanning my appearance as continued to gawked at him like I had just seen a ghost.

"Hey Millie, I finished my treatment and well," he showed me an apologetic smile as he shrugged his shoulders. " I wanted to see the kids, I've missed them."

I was at complete war with myself, seeing him was such a shock to my system, I wanted to slam the door on his face but there was also another side that wanted to forgive him, just to wrap my arms around him and tell him how proud I am of him for actually going.

"Erm, of course... come in." I stepped to the side but quickly held the door close to me. "Wait, you are sober arent you?" It may have seem like a stupid question to ask but I just wanted to make sure. He didn't ring or text me to let me know he had finished and was all clean so until I asked I didn't know.

He looked a little taken back by my question, I'd even say a little hurt. I mean I can't blame him but these are my babies and I'd happily hurt Calvin's feelings if it meant saving them from seeing there father drunk again.

"Yes, I haven't touched anything like that for six months now." He answered with pride.

I showed him a small nod and let him into the house. I called the kids down and well you can imagine there reaction, Layne ran straight into her fathers arms the tears streaming down her face as she clung onto Calvin so tight, it made me smile knowing she had waited so long to see him but it also broke my heart knowing she had to wait six long months to be back into her fathers arms.

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