Chapter 33

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                      One year later.

I was full of excitement I couldn't quite believe the day had finally come when we got the keys to our new house. I was sad to let my mothers house go this place held so many precious memories for me that I'll hold onto forever but I knew it was time to close the book on this chapter to begin a new one, one that had Adam, Daniel and Layne init.

We had spoke about selling my house and Adam selling his combine the money so we'd be able to afford a house that was big enough for the six of us I'd be honest I didn't think I'd ever see that day as it still so new and we had the children to think about but they all loved the idea even Layne, so wide smiles from the children and Adam's promise to never leave my side we were finally becoming a family, one that wasn't perfect but it was my family and I wouldn't trade it in for the world.

It took a while to find the perfect home as we needed it to meet our needs but eventually we found the perfect one that ticked all of our boxes.

So with my mothers house now completely empty I stood in the middle if the living room just looking around at nothing in particular just not wanting to forget the layout of the house I called home for the past two years.

"Well mum, it's time for me to leave, I know your gunna follow but I just wanted to say I love you, and I'm happy, I miss you though, that will never change but I'm doing good." I muttered to myself hoping my words would travel to her wherever she may be.

Adam appeared by the door way wearing a bright sunny smile "You ready?" He beamed at me.

"Yeah I'm ready" I said as I made my way over to him, he pulled me into a tight embrace before kissing my cheek.

"I can't wait to wake up to you every morning."

"Me either" I said through giggles I'd wake up to a morning text from Adam every day for the past year as sweet as the gesture was it wasn't the same as having him lay beside me to tell me that I was loved and to enjoy my day.

"Let's go move into our new home baby." That wide smile was back on Adam's face as he guided me out the front door.

I made sure the door was securely locked before looking over at the house one last time.

Adam had already made his way to the car but he didn't fail to open my side of the door for me. I smiled to myself not quite believing this day had finally come.

We had at least four hours to get there rooms set up before the children came home from school Adam and I wanted to surprise them by having everything layed out for them already, we drove to our new house which was just like my vision our own drive that could fit at least three cars on, it was surrounded my beautiful flowers bringing so much colour to the house.

It was a five bedroom home, we needed those bedroom as we didn't want the children sharing they would eventually grow up and need there own space so it was best they had there little place to go if the house became a little chaotic as I'm sure it will being six of us an all.

We began getting to work on the rooms as we past eachother by the hallways we steal a quick kiss and a little giggle before getting back to work, by the time it was time to leave to pick the kids up Adam and I was exhausted but the rooms were completely so it was defiantly worth it, we hadent had a chance to finish ours but we was older I didn't mind sleeping on the mattress as long as we was all together.

Once the children was home we showed them there rooms separately, they was over the moon Layne and Lexie nearly cried as their rooms were twice the size of there old ones and they had there own on suite.

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