Chapter 31

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"Hold still will you," I ordered to Calvin as he winced in pain as the wet black and white tea towel made contact with his open wound that was situated just about his left eyebrow.

"Sorry" he muttered underneath his breath, "why aren't you angry with me?"

I stopped cleaning the wound to look down at him "oh I'm pissed Calvin, you brough danger here and worse of all our children were upstairs but your hurt and I'm not that mean to chuck you out and deal with it yourself," I paused before going back to making sure the all the blood on his face was washed off "god knows I should but," i took a deep breath in before adding "I can't."

Calvin showed me a small smile "Thank you, I really am sorry for all this mess I've caused, it seems like no matter how much I try and walk out the darkness it keeps finding a way to pull me back in." He frowned causing small wrinkles on his forehead.

I took a step back, disguarding the tea towel in the bin as it was covered in Calvin's blood before walking over to the sink to wash my hands. "Well you paid him back, it's all down now. All you need to focus on is staying sober and being a father to our children." Once my hands no longer had Calvin's blood on them I spung around to take a quick peek at him. His left eye was already beginning to form a bruise along with a a busted lip caused by Jacob's fist.

I've never felt fear quite like it as I opened the door to find the stranger who called himself Jacob standing by the other side he barged his way into my home, making sure he was sitting comfortably before explaining why he was in my home, it was a miracle the children managed to stay asleep as I struggled to control the sobs that escaped my trembling lips as he placed a kitchen knife on my living room table and told me if I tried anything he wouldn't have any issues with using it.

I done everything he asked, he wanted a strong tea with four sugars of course he followed my every move to prevent me from using anything to hurt him I wasn't sure I would have been able to anyway, he was at least 6 foot 2 and three times the size of me, I had no chance against him with my petite frame he could crush me easily, I felt my skin crawl when he showed me a smile as he slurped on the warm beverage. He must have been in his late 40s his nose looked like it had been broken a couple of times, his eyes were completely hollow I didn't have the strength to look at them for too long, he knew the effect he had over me as I spent thirty minutes practually shaking next to him.

Thankfully the minute Calvin arrived and dropped the ten thousand onto his lap Jacob counted each note separately before a wide grin crept upon his dark features, he punched Calvin a couple of time for making him wait so long for the money then showed himself out.

The relief I felt as I heard his heavy foot steps leave my house was indescribable I like to say I began to relax my muscles again but that would be a lie I still felt on edge as I peeked over at Calvin who was hiding his face with his hands.

I wanted to add to Calvin pain I felt my fingers twitch as the urge to connect my fist with his jaw sounded so appealing but I chose against it, i wasn't a violent person and he'd already had enough damaged done to his face so that's how we ended up in the kitchen with me nursing his way back to full health.

I wanted Adam. I wanted to feel his safe arms surround me, to bury myself against him so his sweet muscular scent would mark my skin.

But unfortunately that wasn't reality, he wouldn't be here to comfort me after all he had no clue what had even happened, I wasn't going to tell him either I didn't want him dragged in to all the mess that Calvin managed to keep creating.

I knew if called Adam he'd turn up in a heart beat and I loved him for it but that would have been selfish of me he had his beautiful babies tucked up sleeping just as I did with mine, there was no way I was putting him in danger to protect me I had suffered much worse then a big bully who had nothing better to do then threaten a weak women although I honestly believed the things he told me he could do to me If Calvin showed up empty handed, it still made him a bully as I had no chance to defend myself if he was a true man he wouldn't have knocked on my door in the first place.

So I had made a choice to act as if nothing happened, I'm sure it wasn't the right decision to make but it kept the peace and kept us all alive and breathing.

"I think you should leave now Calvin, you've done enough damage for one night." I felt embarrassed as the truth escaped my lips I wasn't meant to say that out loud.

He showed me a small nod before dropping his head lower in shame "Can I give the kids a kiss," he asked timidly.

I inhaled slowly as I pinched the bridge of my nose as much as i wanted to say no I wasn't going to take the sweet gesture away from him "Yes, but please don't wake them" I walked into the kitchen and just as I was about to sit down to try and calm my out of control heart I heard a knock on the door.

Shit, say if Jacobs back?

I creeped into the hallway feeling my body shake uncontrollably with fear maybe this was all a game to him he got his money and left too easily, he was back for something else. I stood frozen from fear I wasn't going to let him in again he already intimidated me once my body couldn't go through it any longer.

I saw Calvin running down the stairs out the corner of my eyes he paused when he saw my worried state "Go hide Millie" he whispered.

I couldn't move or speak my body just continued to shake violently, it was becoming difficult to breath I took small quick breaths trying to regain a normal heart rate but it was pointless i could feel my heart thumbing against my ribcage.

Calvin took a couple of steps closer to me with a serious expression "Millie, hide now!" He whisper shouted.

Then the banging on the door become louder.

I knew then this is the part where me and Calvin had to fight for survival not only for us but for our children aswell, I had no clue what to expect when we opened that door, for all I knew Jacob could have ordered his men to finish the job off. The fear in Calvin's eyes mirrored my own I'm pretty sure he was thinking the same. I took deep longs breaths through my nose and back out my mouth trying to regain control over my body.

Once my breathing was under control I rushed into the kitchen pulled out a bread knife from the draw and ran past Calvin, rushing up the stairs and stood outside my children's bedroom door.

I wasn't going down without a fight, the knife was shaking in my trembling hands as I prayed to my mother silently to protect me and my babies, I didn't want to hurt any body but I would if I had too.

"Open the door Calvin," my voice cracked as the tears were already streaming down my pale face.

"I won't let him hurt yous Millie," he murmered as he stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Open the door Calvin" I repeated, I believed Calvin's words but it still stung knowing he was willing to protect us from the big bad wolf who was blowing our house down but he wasn't able to protect me from himself.

But none of that mattered now, the only thing that mattered was staying alive.


Hello all :)

I'm so sorry it's taken so long to up load, I've been pretty busy recently but I'm getting back into writing, so hopefully the chapters should be up much more frequently.

Although I'm feeling like theres only a couple of chapters before it ends but I'll let you know in the next chapter how many will be left.

Hope you liked this chapter, who do you think is at the door, is it Jacob or someone else?

Comment, vote. :)

See you in the next chapter 😘


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